Police commence legal proceedings against NA Office deputy head

The Investigation Police Agency under the Ministry of Public Security on April 21 started legal proceedings against and issued arrest and house search warrants to Pham Thai Ha, deputy head of the National Assembly (NA) Office and Assistant to the NA Chairman, on charges of abusing position and power for personal gains.

The ministry’s spokesperson Lieutenant General To An Xo said on April 22 that the decisions on the matter were made following an expanded investigation into a case involving bidding regulation violations and bribery at the Thuan An Group and related units and organisations.

Further investigation is now underway.

Earlier, the agency launched legal proceedings against a case of “violating regulations on bidding causing serious consequences”, “giving bribes”, and “receiving bribes” which occurred at the group and related units and organisations.

Accordingly, the group’s chairman Nguyen Duy Hung; its general director and deputy general director Tran Anh Quang and Nguyen Khac Man; director and deputy director of the investment project management board for construction of transport and agricultural works in the northern province of Bac Giang Nguyen Van Thao and Dam Van Cuong; and Hoang The Du, head of the province’s project management board were arrested.

Thuan An, established in 2004, operates in the fields of investment, construction of technical infrastructure projects, electricity and renewable energy trading, and real estate.

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Legal proceedings launched against Petro Song Da Director Dinh Manh Thang

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