Plastic bottle mosquito trap among winners at Innovations to Manage Waste Sources Awards

Over 60 creations from recycled materials have won Innovations to Manage Waste Sources Awards, a competition created to encourage waste awareness among the young in line with the Thailand 4.0 policy. 

The Department of Environmental Quality Promotion (DEQP) has chosen the winners in its Innovations to Manage Waste Sources Awards for 2018, a competition that encouraged creative thinking and the use of technology and innovations towards Thailand 4.0.

The awards sought to recognize the use of recycled materials for commercial purposes. Up to 66 projects passed the qualifying round due to their feasibility of use. Among them was a design for a mosquito trap made from a plastic bottle by a community in Phitsanulok.

 The inventors used LED lights and plastic bottles to attract mosquitos and attached a suction fan to trap the insects in a cloth bag. The invention was awarded a 10,000 baht certificate of recognition. 

 At the same time, the Green Globe Institute’s 18th Green Globe Awards and two decades anniversary included an exhibition on environmental preservation based on the teachings of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

 The institute has for 20 years honored communities that have shown care for their forests and has inspired over 8,000 villages to maintain more than 3.2 million rai of forest land. A total 38 awards were granted by the institute, honoring communities, individuals and youths. 

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