Over 100,000 Vietnamese die of stroke annually

(VOV) - About 200,000 Vietnamese people suffer stroke every year, and more than half of them die of the illness, according to the Vietnam Association Against Stroke (VAAS).

Stroke, known as cerebrovascular accident (CVA), is the rapid loss of brain functions due to a sudden insufficient supply of blood to the brain that can cause permanent neurological damage, complications, and death.  

The World Health Organisation has conducted a survey, revealing that stroke is one of the top ten causes of human death in the world.

In an effort to minimise complications, the health sector has put into operation two more anti-stroke centres since October 2011, bringing to 16 the total number of these centres across the country.

As a result, the mortality rate has been reduced by an additional 17 percent, and more than five percent of the stroke patients have lived without support from their relatives.

The VAAS warns that those who have symptoms like inability to move one or more limbs, understand or formulate speech, or see one side of the visual fields need to be hospitalised immediately for timely treatment.  

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