Online copyright enforcement spotlighted at int’l symposium

VOV.VN - An international symposium on copyright enforcement in the digital environment was held on June 17 in Hanoi, with the event bringing together delegates from 15 countries and territories in Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, with leading experts from international organizations.

The event was jointly held by the ministries of culture, sports, and tourism of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea; along with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).

The function provided updates on copyright protection and enforcement, particularly in the digital environment in each country and region. It also served as a platform to share policymaking trends, technological solutions to the infringement of copyright and related rights in the digital environment, and various experiences and measures to foster co-operation in this field.

In his opening remarks, Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ho An Phong said creativity in the digital environment has opened up plenty of opportunities, providing new creative tools and enabling a new storage environment; distribution methods; and ways for using works, performances, sound and video recordings, and broadcasts.

Digital content creation is widely regarded as a new and highly potential field for businesses, content producers, organizations, individuals, and brands worldwide. Despite these positives, it also poses a challenge of copyright protection to each digital content product globally, not just in Vietnam, he said, stressing that this requires close co-operation among countries, international organizations, as well as copyright holders.

WIPO treaties such as the Copyright Treaty, the Performances and Phonograms Treaty, and the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances have formed a system of important legal tools which seek to directly address copyright issues in the digital environment, he added.

Vietnam is currently in the process of developing its own cultural industries. The main objectives, tasks, and solutions to enhance the management and enforcement of copyright protection and develop cultural industries have been identified and set out in the intellectual property and cultural development strategies by 2030.

Greater attention has also been paid to raising public awareness and compliance with copyright rules as a contribution to copyright enforcement effectiveness and the development of cultural industries, the official said.

The five-day event covers a total of 34 topics, including copyright enforcement systems of countries, the values of copyright, and creative industries' contribution to economies. It also shares forms of online copyright infringements, threats related to the use of infringed-copyright content, international development in online copyright enforcement and management, jurisdiction and law applied to online copyright disputes, and methods of resolving online infringements.

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