National Control Laboratory selected as 1 of 2 WHO laboratories in Asia

National Control Laboratory for Biological Products is Thailand's laboratory for the quality control of vaccines and bio-pharmaceuticals, recognized as a World Health Organization (WHO)'s Vaccine Quality Assurance Laboratory. 

Only 12 government vaccine quality control laboratories currently exist worldwide, and these laboratories are were staff conduct vaccine testing for the WHO. 

The National Control Laboratory for Biological Products is the only WHO contracted laboratory among ASEAN member countries and is one of two WHO contracted laboratories in Asia. 

The Director-General of the Department of Medical Sciences said that the WHO recognizes the potential of these laboratories in vaccine testings that are in line with international standards.

Vaccine quality control experts were sent to assess the potential and readiness of Thailand's laboratory, since both sides established an agreement back in 2006. 

Many countries believe in the potential of the National Control Laboratory for Biological Products and send their staff to attend training provided by the agency. 

Another advantage of these laboratories is that Thailand can test the quality of all imported vaccines before they are used in the country.

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