Ministry of Health proposes shutdown of nonessential services amid COVID-19 spread

VOV.VN - The Health Ministry has asked all localities throughout the nation to suspend the operation of nonessential services like bars, karaoke parlors, discotheques, and gaming facilities due to the potential risk of coronavirus transmission.

Deputy Health Minister Do Xuan Tuyen on May 2 warned local administrations about the growing numbers of fresh domestic coronavirus cases and high risk of COVID-19 transmission across numerous localities following the end of the four-day national holiday running from April 30-May 3.

The ministry also suggested grinding to a halt to crowded events like festivals, walking streets, and night markets, while advising all citizens to strictly comply with anti-pandemic measures, with a particular focus on donning mask in public, duly punishing violators.

A number of high-risk localities have closed nonessential services in an effort the slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic to the wider community.

After nearly two months without recording any new community infections, 24 have been detected by the health ministry since April 29 in four localities, including Ha Nam, Hanoi, Vinh Phuc and Ho Chi Minh City,  with 18 connected to a Ha Nam man who returned from Japan and tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus two days after finalizing 14-day quarantine period, and six having close contact with Chinese experts who tested positive after returning home from Vietnam.

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