Japan collaborates with Vietnam on research for cancer drug

VOV.VN - The National Cancer Center of Japan (NCCJ) has recently launched a project known as Atlas aimed at co-operating with Vietnam, to develop cancer drugs and other pharmaceuticals that can provide better treatment for cancer patients.

The project also involves four other Southeast Asian countries, including, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Furthermore, the Atlas project is being ran to meet the target of building therapies used in the treatment of rare cancers, while also providing people in these countries with access to advanced forms of treatments.

The study of cancer genetic makeup utilises technologies such as genetic sequencing in a bid to identify DNA changes whilst helping doctors to develop appropriate treatments for cancer that are suitable for each patient.

According to the NCCJ, many countries throughout Southeast Asia still lack necessary health systems that are capable of treating large numbers of cancer patients, this is largely a result of population growth and socio-economic development.

By making steps to expand the clinical trials of patients in other countries whilst sharing relevant data, the Atlas project will serve to accelerate the development of therapeutic pharmaceuticals for these patients.

Moreover, the Far East nation will share relevant experience in this field through research and training schemes.

Kenichi Nakamura, Chief of the Research Management Division at the NCCJ Hospital said, “We want to establish a framework for pharmaceutical formulation and promote gene drugs for cancer treatment in Asia that are able to keep abreast with Europe and the United States.”

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