Hanoi capital hits back at COVID-19 lockdown rumours

VOV.VN - Hanoi Party Committee Secretary Dinh Tien Dung has refuted rumours swirling around social media networks that the capital city has imposed a lockdown order to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

This is incorrect information, Dung told local media outlets late on May 6.

Nguyen Thi Mai Huong deputy director of the Hanoi Department of Information and Communications, also confirmed that local authorities have had no intention of enforcing a blockade to combat the new coronavirus outbreak.

We are verifying information on unfounded rumors related to the blockade surfacing on social media networks, Huong told Tien Phong newspaper late on May 6.

According to the official, the municipal administration has recently introduced drastic measures to respond to the new outbreak. One of the measures is to encourage local people to stay indoors as much as they can unless they go out for food or medicine.

The city is controlling the outbreak well, and measures put in place are paying off, Huong said   

She also advised local people to strictly follow the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 rules, including donning face masks, not gathering in large crowds and keeping a safe distance in public places, in order to protect themselves and the community as well.

Hanoi has recorded 47 news cases, mostly related to the outbreak at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases, since the virus recurred in Vietnam on April 28.

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