Fansipan-Sapa cable car to open in 2015

The world's longest three-rope cable car system, extending from the northern Lao Cai Province's Sapa Town to Fansipan peak, will open to passengers in 2015.

The project's investor SunGroup announced this at a recent meeting with the leaders of Lao Cai Province and the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV).

The construction of the cable car is being carried out in the first phase of the Fansipan Sapa tourism complex.

The construction began on November 2, 2013 and is expected to be completed by National Day (September 2) in 2015. The cable car can carry a maximum of 2,000 passengers per hour, with each cabin accommodating 35 passengers.

The cable car will transport passengers from the base of the 3,143-metre Fansipan mountain to its highest point within 15 to 20 minutes. Currently, it takes one to two days to trek to the top of the mountain.

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