Expert points to three key pillars in climate change response

Amid the severe impact of climate change and sea level rise, especially in the Mekong Delta region, there are three key pillars for Vietnam to base itself on in designing policies to tackle the problem, Dr. Tran Huu Hiep underlined in his recent article run on Saigon Giai phong newspaper.

Firstly, an active mindset on climate change adaptation is crucial, the expert held.

He noted that the Mekong Delta region has received its historical lessons from the switching of its policy from fighting  to adapting to the disasters. Structural solutions are essential, but non-structural ones are necessary too. Careful calculations of cost and benefits as well as the “no regret” rule are needed in making the decision to invest in any work, stressed the author.

The second pillar is to boost the regional economic development using advanced science and technology and financial resources. In the process, the people should be placed in the centre to ensure no one is left behind, according to the author.

At the same time, the expert underlined the necessity to strengthen regional connectivity and inter-regional coordination.

He held that the three pillars are important as they set up a framework to build breakthrough mechanisms and policies for the Mekong Delta region, thus optimising opportunities to overcome challenges.

In addition, he also underscored the need for the effective use of human and financial resources as well as science and technology in the field.

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Many Vietnamese regions at risk of deep sinking due to rapid sea level rise
Many Vietnamese regions at risk of deep sinking due to rapid sea level rise

VOV.VN - In the event that sea levels rise by 1 metre, it will engulf 47.29% of the Mekong Delta area, approximately 17.15% of the area of Ho Chi Minh City, and 13.20% of the Red River Delta area, according to the 2020 climate change scenario.

Many Vietnamese regions at risk of deep sinking due to rapid sea level rise

Many Vietnamese regions at risk of deep sinking due to rapid sea level rise

VOV.VN - In the event that sea levels rise by 1 metre, it will engulf 47.29% of the Mekong Delta area, approximately 17.15% of the area of Ho Chi Minh City, and 13.20% of the Red River Delta area, according to the 2020 climate change scenario.