Deputy PM requests tighter control along border against illegal entries

VOV.VN - Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam on April 23 asked border provinces to closely monitor and prevent any illegal entries in an effort to nip in a bud a possible fresh coronavirus outbreak in the community.

“It is rather difficult to control those who illegally attempt to cross the border via trails or open crossings into Vietnam,” Dam said at a working session with Ho Chi Minh City authorities.

He cited sources as saying an increasing number of people is seeking to illegally enter the nation from neighbouring countries, such as Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, and the fact is that many of detained entrants have tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.  

“If an infection is detected in the community, this will lead to unforeseen consequences,” he warned.

The Deputy PM also warned about a high risk of a possible coronavirus outbreak in the community Vietnam may face when people flock to crowded tourist destinations during the upcoming four-day national holiday to celebrate National Reunification Day on April 30 and May Day on May 1.

He therefore requested that residents don face masks and follow the Health Ministry’s 5K message, namely Khau trang (facemask), Khu khuan (disinfection), Khoang cach (distance), Khong tu tap (no gatherings), and Khai bao y te (health declaration).

Those who fail to abide by the COVID-19 rules will be duly punished, stressed the Deputy PM.

Nguyen Thanh Phong, chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, reported that all agencies in the city remain highly vigilant against COVID-19 as the pandemic is evolving in a complicated manner in neighbouring countries.

At present, HCM City has gone 69 days without any new COVID-19 case in the community. It has completed the first phase of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, and is deploying the second phase, using the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine.

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Southern border on full alert amid threat of new COVID-19 outbreaks
Southern border on full alert amid threat of new COVID-19 outbreaks

VOV.VN - Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long has warned the south-western border area remains at a high risk of a fresh novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak as an increasing number of Vietnamese nationals is seeking to return to the homeland from COVID-19-ravaged Cambodia and Thailand.

Southern border on full alert amid threat of new COVID-19 outbreaks

Southern border on full alert amid threat of new COVID-19 outbreaks

VOV.VN - Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long has warned the south-western border area remains at a high risk of a fresh novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak as an increasing number of Vietnamese nationals is seeking to return to the homeland from COVID-19-ravaged Cambodia and Thailand.