Czech forum opens up study opportunities for Vietnamese youths

The Vietnam Youth and Students Association, in collaboration with the Vietnamese Students Association in the Czech Republic, recently held the Study in Czech Republic Forum 2022, opening up learning opportunities for young Vietnamese people.

The organisers and speakers provided participants with an overview of studying in the Czech Republic such as registration procedures, information about training institutions, majors, languages, scholarships and tuition fees, as well as accommodation, Czech customs and habits and career opportunities.

Speakers also answered questions from parents and young Vietnamese who are interested in studying in the Czech Republic in 2022 and the coming years. At the forum, Vietnamese students and alumni also shared their own practical experience during their study and research in this country.

Nguyen Duy Nhien, President of the Vietnamese Association in the Czech Republic, stated that one of the biggest advantages for Vietnamese students when coming to study and research here is the feeling of closeness and familiarity thanks to a large number of Vietnamese people living and doing business in the country and the Vietnamese community is the country's ethnic minority group.

He expressed his delight at welcoming young Vietnamese people to the Czech Republic to study and do research to build the homeland in the future and make positive contributions to the host country, thus helping strengthen the fine relations between Vietnam and the Czech Republic.

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