Conjoined twin girls to be separated in HCM City on July 15

VOV.VN - Nearly 100 leading doctors and nurses of Vietnam will take part in a long-awaited operation to separate a pair of twin girls conjoined in the pelvic abdomen at the Ho Chi Minh City-based Children’s Hospital on July 15.

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Both the baby girls are healthy enough for the surgery on July 15

The twins were born by caesarean section in June 2019 at Hung Vuong hospital in HCM City. They both had separate internal organs but were joined in the pelvis. One year later, they were transferred to the HCM City Children’s Hospital for medical observation and special treatment to prepare for the surgery.

The baby girls, named Truc Nhi and Dieu Nhi, are now 13 months old and 15kg in weight each. With their physical development indicators close to normal children, the two are healthy enough for the surgery, said doctors.

Nearly 100 doctors and nurses from leading hospitals nationwide will be mobilized for the operation expected to last 12 hours on July 15. The doctors have held several consultations to come up with the best option for the surgery before it is performed.

Vietnamese doctors have conducted a number of operations to separate several pairs of conjoined twins in the country. Last October, the HCM City Children’s Hospital I performed a surgery to separate the youngest twins joined in the abdomen when they were just one month old.

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