Cold snap hits Hanoi

VOV.VN - A strong operation of cold front hit Hanoi and northern Vietnam on January 24, with temperatures in the capital city dropping to around 7degrees Celsius.

This is the first time the temperatures in Hanoi have fallen to 7 degrees C since the beginning of winter.

The weather is getting chilly by strong winds accompanied by rain 

Most people driving streets wearing thick coats, face masks or event raincoats against the freezing cold.

Foreign visitors feel the harsh cold of winter with a high humidity in Hanoi.

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Cold wave sweeps northern region
Cold wave sweeps northern region

(VOV) - Cold weather along with bands of medium to heavy rains has swept through most of northern Vietnam with temperatures plummeting to near zero in several mountainous areas.

Cold wave sweeps northern region

Cold wave sweeps northern region

(VOV) - Cold weather along with bands of medium to heavy rains has swept through most of northern Vietnam with temperatures plummeting to near zero in several mountainous areas.

Strongest cold spell to chill northern region
Strongest cold spell to chill northern region

Northern Vietnam will experience the strongest cold spell since the onset of winter from January 22, said the National Centre for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting.

Strongest cold spell to chill northern region

Strongest cold spell to chill northern region

Northern Vietnam will experience the strongest cold spell since the onset of winter from January 22, said the National Centre for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting.