China-Vietnam Youth Gala enlivens youngsters

The second China-Vietnam Youth Gala opened on November 26 in Nanning City, the capital city of south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping sent congratulatory letters to the event.

The event saw the attendance of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee President Nguyen Thien Nhan, Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao, and nearly 10,000 youngsters of both countries. 

Speaking at the event, Nhan said Vietnam always places importance to developing relations with China, asserting Vietnam’s determination together with China to realise agreements reached by both sides’ high-ranking leaders, looking to a fine and stable relationship for the sake of both peoples and for regional and international peace, stability and prosperity. 

He stressed the festival is held given the positive developments in the two nations’ friendship and cooperation. It offers chances for the youngsters to recall the Vietnam-China traditional friendship and enliven sentiments between the two sides’ youths, contributing to making the ties between the two Parties and States blossom. 

He called on the two countries’ communist youth unions to further their practical cooperation to forge the traditional friendship between both nations’ young generations. 

The Chinese Vice President reiterated that China–Vietnam relations are a property shared by the two peoples, voicing his hope that both countries will forever act as good neighbours, friends, comrades and partners. 

He also called on both sides’ youths to be consistent in the time-tested friendship, pass on the baton of friendly relations from generation to generation, and join hands in creating a bright future for the countries. 

Following the success of the first Vietnam-China Youth Gala, the second event has bettered the young generations’ understanding of the importance of the Vietnam–China comprehensive cooperation and friendship to each country’s development as well as regional peace, friendship and mutual development. 

Both sides considered this year’s event as a landmark for their peoples and youths, becoming a strong momentum for people-to-people exchanges in the time to come. 

Within the festival, Vietnamese youngsters joined in such activities as tree planting, painting, writing calligraphy and visiting some Chinese people.

Some photos taken by VOV reporter Ngoc Thanh:

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