Book on Vietnamese sovereignty published in Japan

VOV.VN - A book detailing the nation’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) islands, and Truong Sa (Spratly) islands, has been translated into Japanese and has gone on to be published in the Far East country.


The book “Hoang Sa-Truong Sa: Arguments and Facts”, which was originally written by author Dinh Kim Phuc and published by Thoi Dai Publishing House in 2012, was translated into Japanese by Professor Kazutaka Hashimoto from Kanto Gakuin University.

The 263-page book presents a range of historical evidence that confirms Vietnamese sea and island sovereignty, a fact that is largely recognised by the wider international community. 

Moreover, the publication also features interviews from Vietnamese and foreign experts who discuss the issue in detail.

Professor Hashimoto is the author of many books and sociological research articles which investigate aspects of society in both Japan and Vietnam. He was once a visiting professor of the Center for Japan Studies at the Vietnamese National Center for Social Sciences and Humanities in 1999.

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