Bad weather affects 140 flights at Tan Son Nhat Airport

VOV.VN - As many as 140 flights to/from Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City were either canceled, delayed for several hours, or forced to land at another airport due to gusty winds and rainy conditions around the airport on June 4 - 5.

According to the Vietnam Air Traffic Management Corporation (VATM), the flights were unable to take off due to heavy rain accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds, plus low visibility that dropped below the threshold for airport operation.

Bad weather caused a mass delay of 135 departing flights on June 4 and 5. Four flights were diverted to alternate airports and one flight was forced to return to departure airport.

The rainy season has begun since mid-May with heavy rain impacting flight operations. In June the southwest monsoon is expected to cause heavy downpours in the region, resulting in more frequent adverse weather phenomena for flight operations.

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