Australia funds Vietnam’s digitalisation initiatives

The third round of the Innovation Partnership Grants under the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Aus4Innovation Programme has opened, targeting initiatives under priority targets of the Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology to promote post-COVID-19 recovery.

The round, with a budget of AUD1.5 million (nearly US$1.16 million), is designed for tested existing partnerships between Australian and Vietnamese institutions that are ready to scale up.

Under the theme ‘Enhancing Digital Transformation’, this round will focus on initiatives that have the potential to enhance digital transformation in the economy and deliver inclusive social impact.

Suggested areas in which applicants could develop their ideas include smart manufacturing, smart agriculture, digital health, smart education, smart cities, finance and banking, e-government, and natural resources and environment.

Those granted with the funding will be required to implement their projects within 12 months.

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