Argentine media highlights consequences of AO/dioxin in Vietnam

The consequences of Agent Orange(AO) /dioxin, sprayed by US troops during the war in Vietnam, were highlighted in an article on the website ArgenPress of Argentina on September 4.

The article, written by Carlos Rivodo, accused US troops of using destructive chemical weapons in Vietnam.

The article said that a H-34 helicopter of the US Air Force on August 10, 1961 dispersed herbicides over forests in Vietnam, beginning the large-scale defoliation programme codenamed “Operation Ranch Hand”, which used chemicals, including AO / dioxin .

Monsanto, Dow Chemical, Thompson Chemical and Thompson Hayward were some of the 50 US enterprises that produced the chemicals, Rivodo wrote.

From 1961-1971, US troops sprayed more than 80 million litres of herbicides - 44 million litres of which were AO, containing nearly 370 kilograms of dioxin - over southern Vietnam.

About 4.8 million Vietnamese were exposed to the toxic chemical. Many of the victims died, while millions of their descendants are living with deformities and diseases as a result of the chemicals.

Not only Vietnamese but people from many countries also became victims of the chemical, which also polluted the environment, Rivodo stressed.

He described it as a crime against humanity.
Over the last four decades, Vietnamese people have fought for justice for AO/dioxin victims.

On January 30, 2004, Vietnamese AO/dioxin victims filed a lawsuit against 37 US chemical firms for producing chemical toxins sprayed by the US army in the war in Vietnam. However, a court in New York rejected the lawsuit due to a lack of evidence.

Vietnam has called for support from the international community in the country’s fight for justice and against the use of mass-killing weapons, Rivodo wrote.
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Documentary on AO victim nominated for Oscar
Documentary on AO victim nominated for Oscar

(VOV) - A short documentary “Chau, Beyond the Lines” on a Vietnamese Agent Orange victim, Le Minh Chau has become one of five Oscar nominees 2016 for the documentary category.

Documentary on AO victim nominated for Oscar

Documentary on AO victim nominated for Oscar

(VOV) - A short documentary “Chau, Beyond the Lines” on a Vietnamese Agent Orange victim, Le Minh Chau has become one of five Oscar nominees 2016 for the documentary category.

Documentary on Vietnamese AO victim screened in US
Documentary on Vietnamese AO victim screened in US

“Chau, Beyond The Lines”, a documentary film featuring the consequence of Orange/Dioxin in Vietnam was screened in New York on December 11, helping American nationals get insights into the pain of Vietnamese AO victims. 

Documentary on Vietnamese AO victim screened in US

Documentary on Vietnamese AO victim screened in US

“Chau, Beyond The Lines”, a documentary film featuring the consequence of Orange/Dioxin in Vietnam was screened in New York on December 11, helping American nationals get insights into the pain of Vietnamese AO victims. 

People-to-people diplomacy crucial for better AO victim support
People-to-people diplomacy crucial for better AO victim support

Grassroots chapters of the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin (VAVA) should engage in more people-to-people diplomatic activities so as to enhance support to the victims and their fight for justice. 

People-to-people diplomacy crucial for better AO victim support

People-to-people diplomacy crucial for better AO victim support

Grassroots chapters of the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin (VAVA) should engage in more people-to-people diplomatic activities so as to enhance support to the victims and their fight for justice.