60th anniversary of schools for southern students celebrated

A grand ceremony was held in Hanoi on December 14 to mark the 60th anniversary of the schools for southern students in North Vietnam, which State President Truong Tan Sang described as one of the most successful educational models in the country.

The event was also attended by former teachers and more than 3,000 former students representing nearly 32,000 individuals from the south studying in the north six decades ago. 

In 1954, to realise the Geneva Accords on ending war and restoring peace in Vietnam, the Vietnamese Government decided to send children of some revolutionary families in the south to the north to be trained for the future revolutionary cause, President Truong Tan Sang said, adding that the move was meant to prepare personnel for the national construction once the country was reunited.

Under the Accords, Vietnam would be temporarily divided for two years with the “border” defined as Parallel 17. Nationwide elections were scheduled for July 1956 to determine the country’s political system and government. 

The leader hailed the schools for southern students in North Vietnam as one of the most successful educational models, which weathered war hardship to comprehensively educate students.

A lot of people used to enroll in such schools directly engaged in the struggle against the US for the south’s liberation with some even laying down their lives. When the country was reunited, they actively contributed to the national building and defence, he added, noting that many of them became senior officials and exemplary citizens.

Although the schools for southern students in the North existed for only more than 20 years, its success in comprehensive education are worth to be upheld, President Truong Tan Sang said, asking the today educational sector to learn from the model’s experience.

During the ceremony, former teachers and students recalled their time together at boarding schools for southerners.

Former teacher Le Ngoc Lap said most of the southern children then were just between six and 15 years old and had to live far away from their families. Therefore, teachers and staff at the schools also acted as their parents and friends with a high sense of responsibility. Each student always made efforts to study and improve his or herself with great awareness and solidarity.

Hanoi and the provinces of Haiphong, Quang Ninh, Ha Nam, and Vinh Phuc had the most number of schools for southern students.
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