50 returnees from Singapore test negative for SARS-CoV-2

VOV.VN - A total of 50 returning Vietnamese citizens from Singapore have recorded negative test results for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to Doan Tan Buu, vice chairman of the Dong Thap provincial People's Committee.

All of the arrivals remain in good health and are displaying no signs of the virus, with no symptoms such as a fever, a cough, or shortness of breath.

According to Buu, after undergoing an initial test on September 15, each of the returnees will be tested for a second time before they complete a compulsory 14-day quarantine period in line with regulations aimed at halting the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.

This marks the sixth time that Dong Thap province has received a large group of repatriated Vietnamese citizens following directions issued by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.

Since the detection of a fresh COVID-19 outbreak in the country on July 25, the quarantine area located in the city of Sa Dec has received a total of 693 Vietnamese nationals returing from the UK, the Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan (China).

At present, the southern province has recorded no COVID-19 infection cases among the local community.

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Nearly 280 Vietnamese citizens brought home safely from Europe
Nearly 280 Vietnamese citizens brought home safely from Europe

VOV.VN - Close to 280 Vietnamese citizens were repatriated home safe and sound from Europe on a flight conducted by national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines on September 16-17, in coordination with Vietnamese representative agencies based in Europe and authorities in host nations.

Nearly 280 Vietnamese citizens brought home safely from Europe

Nearly 280 Vietnamese citizens brought home safely from Europe

VOV.VN - Close to 280 Vietnamese citizens were repatriated home safe and sound from Europe on a flight conducted by national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines on September 16-17, in coordination with Vietnamese representative agencies based in Europe and authorities in host nations.

380 Vietnamese citizens arrive home safely from RoK
380 Vietnamese citizens arrive home safely from RoK

VOV.VN - Bamboo Airways on September 15 brought home close to 380 Vietnamese citizens who had been left stranded in the Republic of Korea (RoK) as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic.

380 Vietnamese citizens arrive home safely from RoK

380 Vietnamese citizens arrive home safely from RoK

VOV.VN - Bamboo Airways on September 15 brought home close to 380 Vietnamese citizens who had been left stranded in the Republic of Korea (RoK) as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic.