201 local COVID-19 cases recorded, with current hotspots accounting for most

VOV.VN - A total of 201 new domestic cases of COVID-19 across six Vietnamese localities were confirmed positive for the SARS-CoV2-virus by the Ministry of Health on June 6, with Bac Giang, Bac Ninh and Ho Chi Minh City suffering the most infections.

The 201 new infections were domestically recorded in Bac Giang (121), Bac Ninh (40), Ho Chi Minh City (31), Ha Tinh (5), Hanoi (2), and Binh Duong (2), in which 198 cases were detected in isolation or blockade areas.

Most of the new cases in Bac Giang and Bac Ninh are associated with outbreaks in the provinces' industrial parks and other quarantine and locked down areas.

The majority of the new cases in Ho Chi Minh are associated with the Revival Ekklesia Mission, while those in other localities had made contact with infected patients.

Following the latest discovery, the nation has so far confirmed 7,191 local infections, and 1,556 imported ones.

As many as 5,621 locally-transmitted cases were detected in the latest coronavirus wave that hit the nation more than one month ago.

The same day, a further 58 patients were declared free from the virus, boosting the total recoveries to 3,368, while the death toll has climbed to 53 following the confirmation of two fatalities one day earlier.

In an effort to slow the spread of the virus, the local health sector in Bac Giang province, one of the hardest-hit locality, has completed the inoculation of 150,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine for frontline forces and workers within 5 days, 2 days ahead of schedule.

Bac Giang has also moved another 2,800 factory workers from Nui Hieu village to centralized quarantine facilities in order to contain its outbreak.

This is the third time over the last 10 days local authorities have transferred factory workers from Nui Hieu to centralized isolation areas.

The village is identified as the pandemic epicenter of Bac Giang province, which is home to industrial parks where the pandemic broke out in recent times. Vietnam was hit by a new COVID-19 wave more than one month ago and 4,877 infections have since then been recorded in 39 of its 63 cities and provinces.

Bac Giang and Bac Ninh, the two current epicenters, still keep registering the highest number of infections, at 3,089 and 1,093, followed by HCM City at 376.

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