10,000 women receive free breast cancer screening

VOV.VN - On October 14, the Ministry of Health and the Supporting Fund for Cancer Patients – Bright Future on October 14 jointly launched a campaign to provide free breast cancer screening for 10,000 women from 40 years old throughout the country.

During the campaign marking the 86th anniversary of the Vietnam Women’s Union and responding to the world month for breast cancer prevention, 12,000 women getting involved in the 2015 campaign will also receive free screening, helping them form a habit of taking regular health check-ups. 

Free screening registration can be made through website www.tamsoatungthuvu.vn or by calling to hotline 0888969695 or 0888966466 in working time as well as at hospitals joining the campaign. 

According to Nguyen Van Thuan, Director of the Vietnam National Cancer Hospital and Vice President cum Director of the Supporting Fund for Caner Patients – Bright Future, 80% of breast cancer cases can be treated successfully if they are diagnosed early. The ratio is 60% for the second stage and lower in the next stages. 
Screening for early cancer detection right after women turn to the high-risk age of 40 is very significant for treatment, he noted.

In Vietnam, breast cancer is one of top 10 most popular diseases among women. In 2010, 12,500 cases were reported  and the figure is predicted to hit 22,600 by 2020. 

The fund will work together with hospitals and family clinics in major cities of Hanoi , Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City in carrying out the campaign from October 22- November 12. 

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