Vietnamese President’s Laos visit to contribute to developing bilateral ties

VOV.VN - Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Khamphao Ernthavanh has highlighted President To Lam's upcoming visit to Laos as a contribution to the development of the two countries’ relations in the new era.

Speaking to VOV ahead of the visit, the Laotian diplomat stated that President Lam’s choosing Laos as the destination for his first oversea trip as the State leader of Vietnam indicates the special attention and priority that the Vietnamese side gives to the neighbouring nation.

President Lam's visit to Laos holds important significance as both nations have maintained great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive ties between the two Parties, two States, and the people. This is along with a tradition of solidarity, along with mutual assistance in the fight against enemies and in the current process of national construction and protection.

This visit not only has profound meaning, but also demonstrates that Laos and Vietnam always stand side by side to support each other in the bilateral relationship, which has been constantly maintained by senior leaders of the two countries over decades.

In particular, the visit is of even greater significance as the two countries celebrate the 47th anniversary of the signing of the Vietnam-Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, thereby further affirming the trust and long-term co-operation between both nations, she said.

The Laotian Ambassador said she believes that following the visit, joint ties will continue to be tightened, increasingly developed, and further expanded, especially in areas of collaboration such as trade-investment, thereby contributing to the two countries’ development in the new era.

Sharing close neighbourliness, a long-standing historical relationship, and mutual support during different historical periods, leaders and people of Laos and Vietnam have worked hand in hand to foster ties of great friendship and special solidarity.

Noting that the regional and international situation is increasingly complicated, impacting countries around the world, including Vietnam and Laos, the Laotian diplomat emphasized that both sides need to enhance their great relationship, special friendship, and comprehensive linkages. This should be done whilst supporting each other to overcome difficulties and to both grow and flourish together.

In the new stage of development between the two countries, the great friendship, special solidarity, and all-around ties of co-operation have become increasingly important for both nations.

To continue to promote, preserve, and develop the special relationship between the two countries in the context of unpredictable changes in the region and the world, the two countries need to continue to widely raise awareness among all classes of people about the traditional friendship and special solidarity that exists between Laos and Vietnam. This is especially true in understanding more about dedication and the blood sacrifice made by previous generations in a great effort to nurture and preserve the mutual relationship.

Both countries need to continue to work closely together in defence and security to maintain a peaceful and stable environment for the process of national construction and socio-economic development, Ambassador Ernthavanh continued.

The diplomat also suggested ramping up co-operation in trade, investment, and tourism to create jobs and increase income for the people of the two countries, thus further contributing to both nations’ development.

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