Vietnamese NA Chairman’s Indonesia visit helps solidify close friendship: ambassador

The official visit to Indonesia from August 4-6 by Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue will help solidify close friendship, strengthen mutual understanding and further enhance the bilateral strategic partnership which celebrates its 10th year in 2023, according to an Indonesian diplomat.

The statement was made by Indonesian Ambassador to Vietnam Denny Abdi in his interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency on the occasion of Hue’s visit.

Denny Abdi said that since the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations in 1955, Indonesia and Vietnam have worked together to advance mutually beneficial cooperation.

Total bilateral trade reached 14.2 billion in 2022, which marks a 40% increase from the 10 billion USD target. Both countries have set a new target of 15 billion USD by 2028 in two-way trade, which is likely to be achieved sooner than expected, he said.

According to the diplomat, the top Vietnamese legislator’s visit is an opportunity to further strengthen the partnership and promote potential economic collaboration between the two countries in various fields of mutual interests.

Through this trip, both sides can gain further understanding on each country’s strategic advantages to create quality products with higher added values, in areas where both countries have competitive advantage such as fisheries, renewable energy, digital economy, agriculture, and hi-tech industries.

Indonesia and Vietnam also share the importance of accelerating its transition to renewable energy, as both are participating countries of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) partnership. Apart from addressing the impact of climate change, early transition to renewable energy will strengthen national energy security and ensure sustainable economic growth, he said.

Cooperation in the fields of electric vehicles and battery, and the development of renewable energy is important for both countries in response to global challenges towards a more resilient global energy system and economic growth.

During the visit, to further boost collaboration on trade and investment as well as to expand the business network between the private sectors, the Vietnamese leader is scheduled to host a Vietnam-Indonesia business and investment forum which will be attended by a large number of business delegations of both countries. The forum will further enable the private sectors to explore untapped areas of potential cooperation, said the diplomat.

He went on to say that Vietnam and Indonesia represent 60% of ASEAN’s total population, and both countries’ population is mostly in a productive age, which will significantly boost economic productivity.

Therefore, through the size of its population, progressive economic growth and active foreign policy, the two countries play an essential role to better promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the region, he added.

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NA Chairman’s visit to beef up ties between Vietnamese, Iranian legislatures

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NA Chairman to attend AIPA-44, visit Indonesia, Iran

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