Vietnam ready to share experience in national construction and development with Cuba

VOV.VN - Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has assured Vietnam’s willingness to share experience in national construction and development with Cuba to help the Caribbean nation carry out its reform targets in an effective way.

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam (R) hosts Cuban Minister of Labour and Social Security Margarita M. Gonzalez Fernandez.
At a reception for visiting Cuban Minister of Labour and Social Security Margarita M. Gonzalez Fernandez in Hanoi on September 13, Dam highlighted the special Vietnam-Cuba friendship which has been enhanced over the past years and expressed his hope that with a new constitution, Cuba would soon fulfill its goals on the path to socialism, draw foreign investment and restructure of its national economy.

Dam suggested both sides to step up cooperation and experience sharing to revamp policies and build models of social security in line with sustainable development.

He also urged the Cuban Ministry to offer the best possible conditions for Vietnamese businesses operating in Cuba.

In reply, Minister Margarita M. Gonzalez Fernandez told her host that she and her delegation attended a session of the Vietnam-Cuba Integovernmental Committee, and worked with leaders of Vietnam’s Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

Both sides compared notes on on human resources development, workers’ rights and benefits in medical services, education, social welfare and poverty reduction.

Cuba desires to cooperate and exchange experience with Vietnam labour, employment, salary policy, support for welfare beneficiaries, and the sending of guest workers to other countries, she said.
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