Vietnam, Japan lift bilateral ties to new heights

President Truong Tan Sang and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on March 18 agreed to establish the extensive strategic partnership between the two countries for peace and prosperity in Asia.

Following is the full text of the statement on the establishment. 

1) At the invitation of Japan, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang and Madam paid a State Visit to Japan from 16 to 19 March, 2014. During the visit, Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan hosted a solemn welcoming ceremony and a State Banquet in honor of President Truong Tan Sang and Madam. President Truong Tan Sang expressed his sincere gratitude to Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, the Government and the people of Japan for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to him and the Vietnamese delegation. 

2) On 18 March 2014, Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe and President Truong Tan Sang held a summit meeting. Building on the cooperative relations between Vietnam and Japan , which have been dramatically strengthened in recent years, the two sides decided to elevate the Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and Japan to a higher level, namely Extensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia. They stated that this new level of cooperation reflected political trust as well as deep and extensive development of the bilateral relations in all areas, which was in the fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries’ people, meeting their expectation, and contributed to the peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world. 

I. Bilateral Relations 
1 Political and Security Areas 
High-level mutual visits and dialogue mechanisms 
3) President Truong Tan Sang extended his invitation to Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan, and to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, to visit Vietnam at the time of mutual convenience. The Japanese side expressed appreciation for the invitation. 

4) The two sides highly valued the important role of and shared the intention to maintain visits and contacts between the high-level leaders of both countries as well as to further strengthen exchanges between the two sides’ political parties and Parliament including friendly parliamentary caucuses. The Japanese side highly praised the speech by President Truong Tan Sang at the National Diet of Japan on 18 March 2014. 

5) The two sides shared the intention to continue implementing effectively existing dialogue mechanisms, such as the Vietnam - Japan Cooperation Committee at the foreign ministerial level and the Strategic Partnership Dialogue at the vice-foreign ministerial level, and maintaining frequent exchanges among leaders and relevant Departments of their foreign ministries. 

Defense cooperation 
6) The two sides shared the intention to continue working closely for the effective implementation of the “Memorandum between the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam and the Ministry of Defense of Japan on Bilateral Defense Cooperation and Exchanges” signed in 2011; continue implementing the Vietnam - Japan Defense Policy Dialogue at vice-ministerial level; enhance the exchange of delegations at various levels, including ministerial level, senior official level and expert level; promote cooperation between the respective services of the Vietnam People’s Army and the Japan Self-Defense Forces, and advance cooperation such fields as human resource development, capacity building, and visits of military ships. 

7) The Japanese side welcomed the Vietnamese sides’ decision to participate in the UN peacekeeping operations and reaffirmed its assistance to the Vietnamese side through human resource training, sharing of experience, and in other forms. 

8) President Truong Tan Sang expressed his appreciation for Japan ’s announcement of assistance for the clearance of unexploded ordnance and landmine through the Japan ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). 

Maritime Cooperation 
9) The two sides confirmed that they would further strengthen their cooperation on maritime safety. Bearing in mind the urgent need to enhance the capacity of maritime law enforcement agencies of Vietnam, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced the dispatch of a survey team to Vietnam at an early date to exchange opinions on supporting Vietnam to build capacity for its maritime law enforcement agencies. 

Cooperation in public safety and security 
10) The two sides highly praised the Vietnam-Japan vice-ministerial level Public Safety and Security Dialogue, and decided to hold the next Dialogue in 2014. 

Cooperation in the justice sector and legal system development 
11) The Vietnamese side proposed an early commencement of negotiations on treaties on mutual legal assistance, extradition, and the transfer of sentenced persons. The Japanese side took note of the proposal and expressed hope that Vietnam would consider joining multilateral treaties, including the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters. 

12) President Truong Tan Sang expressed his appreciation for Japan’s assistance for legal and judicial reforms in Vietnam including the amendment to the Constitution, and highly appreciated the announcement of the continuation of such assistance by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. 

Non-traditional security issues 
13) The two sides also shared the intention to strengthen cooperation in tackling non-traditional security issues, terrorism, transnational crimes, piracy, and cybercrimes. 

2 Economy 
Support to the “Industrialization Strategy” 
14) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stated that Japan would continue to closely cooperate in the implementation of Vietnam ’s action plans for the six key areas under its industrialization strategy within the Vietnam - Japan cooperation framework until 2020 with a vision to 2030: agro-fishery processing; electronics; automobile and its parts; agricultural machinery; environmental industry and energy conservation; and shipbuilding. He stated that the Japanese side would continue to cooperate in the development of supporting industries in Vietnam, as well as supporting the Vietnamese side in achieving its modernization and industrialization goals by 2020 through assistance for enhancing capacity related to planning and implementing industrial policies. 

Promotion of ODA and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) 
15) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reaffirmed that Vietnam continued to be an important partner in regard to Japan ’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) policy. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also mentioned the importance of establishing a win-win relationship through cooperation that draws on Japanese technologies and expertise, while deploying Japanese ODA to contribute to Vietnam ’s sustainable development. 

16) President Truong Tan Sang highly praised the statement above and expressed his gratitude regarding the signing of the Exchange of Notes for the second half of fiscal year 2013 for five ODA projects in Vietnam , which amounts to about 120 billion yen. 

17) The two sides decided to strengthen cooperation in promoting the development and operation of infrastructure in Vietnam , in areas such as railways, roads, seaports, key airports, water supply and sewerage systems , and water resource development, under memoranda of cooperation between the relevant authorities of the two countries. The Japanese side expressed its commitment to continue cooperating with Vietnam in the improvement of existing North-South railway system and to support the consideration of the future vision of anew North-South railway system, and the steady implementation of ongoing urban railway construction. 

18) The two sides shared the view on effective implementation of the Vietnam Automated Cargo Clearance System and Vietnam Customs Intelligent Database System (VNACCS/VCIS) project. 

19) The two sides decided that they would actively promote Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in order to efficiently and effectively respond to large demands for infrastructure in Vietnam . 

20) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stated that the Japanese side would continue to support the development of two industrial zones in HaiPhong and Ba Ria-Vung Tau, for which the Vietnamese side had made strong requests, through the provision of Japan’s experience on business administration and assistance for the promotion of investment from Japan. 

Improvement ofinvestment climate 
21) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe highly appreciated Vietnam’s efforts in the improvement of its investment climate, including serious consideration of the expansion of site area allocated for Japanese schools. The two sides shared the viewthat they would continue their cooperation for the effective implementation of the Vietnam-Japan Joint Initiative Phase 5 on the improvement of Vietnam’s investment climate for the purpose of promoting Japan ’s investment in Vietnam. 

22) The two sides shared the view to work closely for a strong promotion of trade cooperation between two countries to strive for achieving the goal of doubling two-way trade and investment by 2020. 

23) The Vietnamese side expressed its appreciation regarding the relaxation of Maximum Residue Levels (MRL) of Ethoxyquin on the shrimps imported to Japan to 0.2ppm and for Japan ’s efforts in developing conditions and early clearance of technical procedures for the import of Vietnamese fruits including dragon fruits, mangos and others to Japan. 

24) The Japanese side welcomed Vietnam’s opening market for the import of Japanese beef, pork and offal to Vietnam. The two sides expressed their expectation that the additional procedures on related technical issues in accordance with the existing regulations of Vietnam would be soon completed. The Japanese side also expressed appreciation for Vietnam ’s efforts in developing conditions for an early import of apples from Japan. 

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 
25) The two sides welcomed the signing of the Record of Discussionon Cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, on March 18, 2014
26) The two sides decided to establish a cooperation dialogue mechanism to promote comprehensive cooperation in the field of agriculture, forestry and fisheries and hold the first meeting in Vietnam at an early date in 2014. 

27) The two sides also decided to strengthen public - private partnership to establish food value chains in Vietnam , and to establish a mechanism to exchange opinions about the development of food industries in the two countries, and to hold its first meeting in Vietnam at an early date. 

Reforms of the banking sector and state-owned enterprises 
28) The two sides shared the view that reforms of the banking sector and state-owned enterprises as well as an integrated resolution of the issue of non-performing loans, including its disposal and corporate revitalization, were important medium- to long-term challenges for Vietnam. 

Energy and resources 
29) The two sides affirmed the importance of cooperation in the field of nuclear power. Regarding the project on the second nuclear power plant in Ninh Thuan Province , the two sides confirmed that they would continue to actively work together for its implementation based on the common recognition shared by the two countries’ high-level leaders. 

30) The two sides shared the intention to promote cooperation in efficient energy consumption and the introduction of high efficient coal-fired power generation technology, which would contribute to efficient energy use and environmental protection in Vietnam. 

31) The two sides confirmed their cooperation in implementing human resource development projects to support the formulation of energy policies aiming at stabilizing electricity demand and supply in Vietnam . The two sides shared the intention to work together towards the effective implementation of the model project on industrial waste power generation system in Hanoi , conducted by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and its dissemination to other provinces in Vietnam . 
32) The two sides shared the intention to continue working together for the development of mining and processing industries of rare earths in Vietnam. 

Environment, climate change and disaster management 
33) The two sides decided to continue their cooperation in the effective implementation of the “Memorandum of Cooperation between Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Social Republic of Vietnam and Ministry of the Environment, Japanon Environmental Cooperation” signed in December 2013. The two sides shared the intention to enhance cooperation through ICT workshops on disaster management so as to actively address environmental protection and disaster management issues. The two sides welcomed progress in the establishment of Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) between Vietnam and Japan based on “Memorandum of Cooperation on Low Carbon Growth between the Vietnamese side and the Japanese side” signed in July 2013, and decided on a steady implementation of the JCM in Vietnam as well as promoting the JCM as an effective mechanism for low carbon growth in the international arena. 

34) The Japanese side expressed its commitment to continue providing assistance to Vietnam for response to climate change. 

35) The Vietnamese side highly appreciated Japan ’s commitment to providing next-generation electric vehicles to Hanoi . 
36) The two sides acknowledged the importance of and affirmed their continued cooperation in the areas ofair pollution control and watersupplyand sewerage systems. The Japanese side expressed its readiness to support the Vietnamese side in this area through the utilization of advanced technologiesthat Japan ’s municipalitiesand private companies have comparative advantages. 

37) The two sides shared the intention to work together to effectively implement the “Memorandum on Cooperation in the field of Water-Related Disaster Managementand Climate Change Adaptation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan” signed in September 2013. President Truong Tan Sang welcomed Japan ’s hosting of the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai in March 2015. The two sides shared the intention to cooperate for the success of this Conference. 

Construction and urbaninfrastructure development 
38) The two sides committed to strengthening comprehensive cooperation in construction and urban infrastructure development, including development of eco-city, development of infrastructure for water supply and sewerage systems, drainage, solid waste disposal, underground facilities, etc. As regards eco-city development, the two sides committed to coordinating for the effective implementation of the Memorandum of Cooperation for Promoting Implementation of Eco-city Project in Vietnam signed in October 2013 between the Ministry of Construction of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan. The Japanese side expressed its intentionto provide continued supports to Vietnam in capacity building and improvement of legal systems in the area of urban development. 

Information and communications, postal business 
39) The two sides shared the intention to promote cooperation in the fields of information and communications and postal business by collaborating to effectively implement the “Memorandum on Cooperation in the Field of Information and Communications Between the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam And the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan” revised in September 2013. 

Healthcare and social security 
40) The two sides welcomed the signing of the “Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of healthcare between the Ministry of health of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan” on 18 March 2014. The two sides shared the intention to enhance cooperation between the relevant agencies of the two countries in the area of social security and social welfare including sharing of Japan ’s experience in public health insurance systemand preparation for aging society etc. 

41) President Truong Tan Sang highly appreciated Japan ’s support for Vietnam ’s health sector and its positive consideration to the provision of assistance for the construction of the Vietnam - Japan Friendship Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City. 

42) The two sides recognized the importance of bilateral cooperation in prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, including cancer and lifestyle diseases, and welcomed cooperation achievements inhuman resource development in health care between the two countries. 

Science and technology 
43) The two sides emphasized the importance of strengthening comprehensive cooperation in the field of science and technology, and decided to pursue to hold the Fourth Vietnam-Japan Joint Committee on Science and Technology at the earliest possible time in Vietnam . The Vietnamese side highly appreciated Japan ’s support for capacity building for the Vietnamese science and technology institutions. In this regard, the two sides confirmed their intention to promote joint research projects and training of students, experts and professionals for Vietnam within the frameworks of the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) and the e-ASIA Joint Research Program. 

Human resource development 
44) The two sides welcomed the signing of the Strategic Cooperation Program on education between the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan on 18 March, 2014. 

45) The Japanese side committed to actively supporting Vietnam in human resource development, assisting in the promotion of Japanese language education in Vietnam , as well as development of Vietnam’s vocational skill standards. The two sides also decided to continue to promote exchanges between universities, students, and researchers, in order to promote mutual understanding among the younger generation of the two countries and contribute to the further development of the Vietnam-Japan relationship.

The Vietnamese side highly appreciated that Japan has given positive consideration to the provision of assistance to upgrade Can Tho University and the other selected universities to universities of excellence, assistance toward establishment of a national skill testing system, and cooperation to develop certain Vietnamese vocational training colleges so as to meet international standards. The two sides affirmed the continuation of the two Government’s cooperation inthe Vietnam – Japan University project, which is being promoted by relevant stakeholders of the two countries. 

46) The two sides decided to strengthen the development of human resources and legal frameworks related to the construction sector, in order to effectively implement the document for cooperation in the construction sector development signed in June 2013.

Acceptance of candidates for nurses or care-workers and of technical interns 
47) The two sides welcomed the fact that the first batch of eligible Vietnamese candidates for qualified nurses and certified care-workers would arrive in Japan in June 2014 and confirmed that they would actively cooperate to achieve smooth and effective acceptance of future candidates. President Truong Tan Sang expressed his hope that a larger number of candidates will be accepted in the future. 

48) President Truong Tan Sang expressed his hope for Japan ’s acceptance of technical interns from Vietnam in the areas of agriculture and fisheries, processing of agricultural and fishery products, and construction. 

3 Culture and People Exchange 
Establishment of a dialogue framework on cultural and people-to-people exchange 
49) The two sides shared the intention to accelerate discussions towards the establishment of a dialogue framework to promote cooperation in culture and people-to-people exchange between the two countries. 
Cultural cooperation 

50) The two sides highly praised the success of the commemorative events for the “ Vietnam - Japan Friendship Year” in 2013, which marked the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 

51) The two sides shared the intention to promote cultural exchanges between the two countries through joint efforts to organize two-way activities for the promotion of people, culture and art, including the annual Vietnam festival in Japan . Prime Minister Shinzo Abe explained Japan ’s new policy on cultural exchanges in Asia, announced in December 2013 under the name “WA Project ~Toward Interactive Asia through ‘Fusion and Harmony’~” and suggested the promotion of cultural exchange through assistance in Japanese language learningand the utilization of this policy. President Truong Tan Sang welcomed this proposal of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. 

Cooperation in broadcasting 
52) The two sides shared the intention to use broadcasting contents for fostering friendly relations, to be achieved through cooperation and coordination between broadcasting stations of the two countries, with the objective of enhancing mutual understanding rooted in culture, tradition, and history of the two countries. 

Promotion of tourism 
53) The two sides shared the intention to promote tourism cooperation between the two countries. President Truong Tan Sang welcomed the relaxation of visa requirements implemented by the Japanese side in July 2013 and expressed his hope that the Japanese side would take steps to simplify visa application procedures for the people of Vietnam . Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appreciated the unilateral visa exemption implemented by the Government of Vietnam since 2004. The two sides shared the view to continue to exchange opinions on addressing further the simplification of visa application procedures for the Vietnamese people. 

Youth and sports exchange 
54) President Truong Tan Sang welcomed the fact that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was conducting youth exchanges of approximately 1,000 people between the two countries in JENESYS2.0.

55) President Truong Tan Sang welcomed the announcement made by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe about the holding of Japan- ASEAN Youth Soccer Exchange Games (U-14) in Japan this April, and about Japan ’s intention to participate in the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) Games (U-19), to be hosted by Vietnam this September. 

56) President Truong Tan Sang congratulated on Tokyo ’s designation as the host city for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games and expressed his readiness to cooperate with Japan for the success of these events. The Japanese side affirmed its support for Vietnam in sports in various areas, including its assistance for the success of the Asian Games (ASIAD), which Vietnam will host in 2019. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe explained about Japan ’s “Sport for Tomorrow ” program . President Truong Tan Sang welcomed Japan ’s efforts to spread the value of sport and the Olympic Movement around the world . 

57) The two sides welcomed the increase in the number of school trips to Vietnam organized by Japanese high schools. 

II Regional and Global Issues 
Contribution to peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world 
58) The two sides reaffirmed that they would strengthen extensive coordination and cooperation in regional and international forums, such as the United Nations (UN), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN+3, ASEAN Defense Minister’s Meeting Plus (ADMM+), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), etc. to make active and constructive contribution to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world. 

59) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe elaborated Japan ’s security policy including its recent efforts under the policy of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based on the principle of international cooperation. President Truong Tan Sang strongly expressed his expectation that Japan would continue to make active and constructive contribution to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world. 

60) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe emphasized that the recovery of the Japanese economy benefits ASEAN including Vietnam , while Vietnam ’s growth benefits Japan . President Truong Tan Sang expressed his expectation that the recovery of the Japanese economy through “Abenomics” would bring significant benefits to the regional and global economy. 

Cooperation in ASEAN and the MekongRegion 
61) The two sides welcomed the success of the ASEAN-Japan Summit to commemorate 40 years of ASEAN-Japan dialogue relations and the 5th Mekong-Japan Summit Meeting held in December 2013 and decided to closely cooperate to bring the results of these meetings into implementation. The Japanese side expressedits support for ASEAN’s centrality in the regional architecture and its readiness to continue its active assistance for enhancing regional connectivity and narrowing development gaps within the region toward the establishment of the ASEAN Community in 2015. 

62) The two sides highly valued the positive results of the Green Mekong Forum and affirmed their intention to continue cooperation, along with other relevant organizations, in particular the Mekong River Commission (MRC), in exchange information and researching, such as cooperation for a study on sustainable management and development of the Mekong River, including on the impact of mainstream hydro-power projectsto promote sustainable development and management of water resources of the Mekong River. The Japanese side decided that priority would be given to projects in agriculture, health, investment, trade, tourism and infrastructure development in the East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC), the Southern Corridor, and the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam development triangle in order to strengthen connectivity and narrow development gap within Mekong sub-region. 

63) The Vietnamese side welcomed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s initiative on consultations with ASEAN countries for the holding of an informal meeting between Japan and ASEAN involving ministers in charge of defense matters to discuss non-traditional security issues including disaster prevention. 

64) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe welcomed that Vietnam is considering positively the convening of the third Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum this year, and the two sides decided to cooperate toward the success of the Forum. 

Promotion of Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP) and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP) 
65) The two sides shared the intention to work closely in the negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). 

United Nations 
66) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed his gratitude for Vietnam’s continued support for Japan ’s aspiration to become a permanent member of the enlarged United Nations Security Council. In view of the 70 th anniversary of the United Nations in 2015, the two sides decided to actively work together to achieve an early reform of the United Nations Security Council towards enhancing its effectiveness, legitimacy, transparency and increasing the representativeness of the United Nations Security Council. 

67) The two sides reaffirmed their cooperation for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and the formulation ofthe post-2015 development agenda. The two sides shared the common recognition that the post-2015 development agenda should be a more effective framework for addressing poverty eradication, ensuring sustainable and inclusive social economic development, and environmental sustainability as well as human security, where disaster management and universal health coverage are appropriately positioned. 

Maritime freedom and safety 
68) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe highly praised Vietnam ’s efforts toward the settlement of issues including those in the area of maritime security based on the principle of the rule of law. Mindful of air and maritime linkages between Vietnam and Japan in the region, Prime Minster Shinzo Abe stressed that any unilateral and coercive action to challenge peace and stability should not be overlooked.

The two sides affirmed that peace and stability at sea were in the common interest of both countries as well as of the international community. They also shared the position that all relevant parties should comply with international law including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

They concurred on the importance of maintaining maritime security and safety, upholding the freedom of the high seas including the freedom of navigation and overflight and unimpeded commerce, and ensuring self-restraint and the resolution of disputes by peaceful means in accordance with universally recognized principles of international law including UNCLOS. They also shared the view that Code of Conduct (COC) in South China Sea should be concluded at an early date. 

Korean Peninsula 
69) The two sides encouraged North Korea to fully comply with its obligations under all relevant UNSC Resolutions and commitments under the Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks on 19 September 2005, and supported complete and verifiable denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula . They shared the intention to strengthen efforts to resolve the issue of abductions, which is a humanitarian concern of the international community. The Vietnamese side stated its readiness to work within its capacity with Japan to promote the resolution of this abductions issue. 

18 March 2014 

Mr. Truong Tan Sang 
President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 

Mr. Shinzo Abe 
Prime Minister of Japan

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