Vietnam desires to boost ties with Mexico

VOV.VN - Vietnam treasures and aspires to further strengthen the comprehensive cooperation with Mexico, both bilaterally and multilaterally, President Tran Dai Quang has said.

At a July 17 reception for former Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari in Hanoi, President Quang congratulated the State and people of Mexico on their socio-economic achievements over the past time, saying these have contributed to enhancing Mexico’s role and position in the region and the international arena. 

He expressed his delight at the growth of the bilateral ties with two-way trade reaching US$2.37 billion in 2016, showing a ten-fold increase compared with ten years ago. 

Both sides have effectively implemented the political consultation mechanism between their foreign ministries and established the joint committee on economic, trade and investment cooperation, he said, adding that they have also closely cooperated and mutually supported at international organisations and multilateral forums, especially the UN, the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Forum forEast Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC).

President Quang asked the two sides promptly put the joint committee on economic, trade and investment cooperation into place in order to define areas and methods for bilateral collaboration. 

He underlined the need for them to complete the legal framework through negotiations and sign more cooperation documents along with encouraging their businesses to promote trade and access the respective markets.

The Vietnamese State leader also urged the two sides continue their close coordination and mutual support at international and inter-regional cooperation mechanisms.

He called for Mexico’s support for Vietnam’s candidacy for a seat at the UN Security Council during 2020-2021 and for the post of the UNESCO General Director for 2017-2021 tenure. 

Carlos Salinas de Gortari, in turn congratulated the Vietnamese State and people on their socio-economic achievements and shared Mexico’s experience in national development. 

He agreed with President Tran Dai Quang’s proposals for ways to step up the bilateral ties, saying the two nations boast huge potential for propelling their relationship foward.

Vietnam’s hosting of the APEC Year 2017 will be a good opportunity for the two countries to tighten their relations across a variety of fields, he added.

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