Vietnam condemns targeted attacks on UN peacekeepers

VOV.VN - The nation condemned the targeted attacks on UN peacekeepers at an open debate of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on May 24 on intensifying the safety for UN peacekeeping forces, said Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnam’s Permanent Mission to the UN.

UNSC member countries recognised the significance of safety and security issues relating to peacekeeping personnel, whilst members also welcomed the UN Secretary-General's Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative, and other related UN resolutions, including Resolution 2518 (2020) of the UN Security Council. This is in addition to the report of the General Assembly's Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (C-34), along with the establishment of the Group of Friends on the Safety and Security of UN Peacekeepers.

Participants also underscored the necessity of ramping up joint efforts aimed at reducing risks faced by peacekeepers and shared their views on measures that can enhance the safety and security of these forces. This includes improving the ability to fully grasp situations, promoting training, utilising technology, securing medical equipment, and resources, whilst bolstering close co-ordination between the UN and receiving countries. This is along with increasing co-operation between the UN and other regional organisations, providing clear definitions for the tasks of missions, and respecting the agreement regarding UN peacekeeping forces and receiving nations.

Many countries also emphasised the role and need to increase the participation of female peacekeepers as a means of ensuring consistent operational efficiency during missions and improving safety and security for peacekeepers.

During his speech, Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnam’s Permanent Mission to the UN, highlighted the important role of the global bodies’ peacekeeping forces in helping to de-escalate and end conflicts. Other crucial actions include carrying out ceasefire and political agreements, protecting civilians, as well as facilitating humanitarian assistance, thereby ensuring the full completion of the mission's task and the Security Council's responsibilities in terms of maintaining international peace and security.

At present, peacekeepers continue to face many dangers from attacks and accidents while they perform their duties, the Vietnamese diplomat said, while calling on all parties to respect international law and relevant UNSC resolutions that strive to enhance the safety and security of peacekeepers.

Ambassador Quy therefore suggested that the UN and member countries redouble efforts to ensure the readiness of peacekeepers through training both before and during their deployment, compiling detailed reports at the end of missions, and updating training programmes.

These should be adequately equipped with both material, information, and resources to protect themselves against emerging risks such as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and improvised explosive devices, whilst giving special attention  to the protection of female peacekeepers.

The Ambassador also affirmed that the nation will always support the UN’s peacekeeping operations and places great importance on ensuring safety and security for peacekeeping forces.

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