Vietnam, Brunei upbeat about flourishing all-around partnership

VOV.VN -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah expressed their appreciation for the fruitful development of the comprehensive partnership across multiple fields during talks held on February 11 at Istana Nurul Iman Palace.

During the course of discussions the Sultan warmly welcomed and appreciated the significance of PM Chinh's first official visit to Brunei which will help to add fresh impetus to promoting all-around co-operation between the two countries.

The Sultan of Brunei went on to express his great satisfaction with the upgrade of relations between the two nations to the level of a comprehensive partnership on the occasion of his visit to Vietnam back in 2019 and respectfully conveyed his regards to senior Vietnamese leaders.

The Sultan also congratulated the Vietnamese side on bringing the COVID-19 pandemic swiftly under control, quickly recovering with the highest GDP growth rate in the region. He affirmed that his nation always attaches importance to and wishes to constantly develop positive relations with Vietnam, especially in the fields of economics, trade, investment, education, and agriculture.

In response, PM Chinh conveyed the cordial greetings of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, and high-ranking Vietnamese leaders to both the Sultan and the royal family.

The Vietnamese Government chief also expressed his pleasure at visiting a country that has always been associated with an important international integration milestone of Vietnam, with Bandar Seri Begawan being the place that Brunei officially became the seventh member of ASEAN back in July, 1995.

He affirmed the country’s consistent policy that always places importance on ramping up the comprehensive partnership with Brunei.

PM Chinh congratulated Brunei on its achievements in economic development and social security, stating his belief that Brunei would soon successfully implement the Brunei Vision 2035 (Wawasan Brunei 2035) in order to become a country with dynamic and sustainable economic development.

The two leaders highly appreciated the effective development of the Vietnam - Brunei Darussalam comprehensive partnership in all fields, ranging from politics, security, and defence, to economics, trade, investment, marine co-operation, energy, and education and training.

Most notably, trade links have made great progress, with two-way turnover in 2022 reaching US$725.8 million, an increase of 134% compared to 2021.

Both host and guest agreed on directions to enhance ties between both sides across a variety of fields moving forward.

Accordingly, the two sides will continue to intensify exchanges and meetings at all levels, whilst effectively carrying out the co-operation mechanism of the Bilateral Cooperation Committee at the ministerial level, as well as implementing important co-operation agreements, particularly the Program of Action to implement the Vietnam - Brunei Darussalam comprehensive partnership for the 2023 to 2027 period which has just been signed on this occasion.

The two sides consented to boosting trade growth in a more diversified and balanced manner, while also considering the possibility of joint ventures in areas such as fishing, aquaculture, and seafood processing, as well as seeking opportunities, in new areas of co-operation such as the digital economy, the circular economy, and climate change response.

PM Chinh therefore suggested that Brunei create favourable conditions for Vietnamese goods to access the Brunei market, especially rice and agricultural and aquatic products that fully meet Halal standards.

He assured the hosts of Vietnam's readiness to continue offering optimal conditions for Bruneian businesses to expand business investment in the Vietnamese market.

He proposed that the two sides strengthen linkages to connect the two economies to support the building of an independent and self-reliant economy associated with extensive, substantive, and effective international integration.

Both leaders agreed to bolster ties in other important fields such as defence, security, and maritime co-operation, including effectively maintaining a hotline to support fishery activities and sharing information regarding law enforcement at sea.

This should be done whilst simultaneously stepping up co-operation in education-training, tourism, enhancing connectivity, and increasing the frequency of direct commercial flights.

Regarding regional and international issues, the Vietnamese cabinet leader applauded Brunei's 2021 ASEAN Chair term, as well as the close co-ordination between the two countries when Vietnam served as the ASEAN Chair in 2020.

The two leaders concurred to continue to enhance consultation and close co-ordination between the two countries at regional and international forums, maintain solidarity, and promote the central role of ASEAN.

They reaffirmed the importance of ensuring peace, stability, safety, security, and freedom of navigation in the East Sea, working together to maintain the unity and common stance of ASEAN on the East Sea issue, and striving for progress in the negotiation of the Code of Conduct (COC).

As part of the occasion, PM Chinh cordially invited the Sultan of Brunei and the Queen to visit Vietnam at a suitable time. The Sultan of Brunei accepted the invitation with pleasure and stated that he is looking forward to making a visit to Vietnam soon.

At the end of talks, the leaders witnessed the signing and exchange of the Action Plan on the implementation of Vietnam-Brunei comprehensive partnership for the 2023-2027 period and a diplomatic note on the Visa Waiver Agreement for diplomatic and official passport holders between Vietnam and Brunei.

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