Vietnam aspires to work with Thailand on climate change response

VOV.VN - National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong met on May 11 with Vice President of the National Legislative Assembly of Thailand Peerasak Porjit in Ho Chi Minh City, during which she said Vietnam wishes to work closely with Thailand on climate change adaptation.

Phong applauded the contributions of the Thai legislature’s delegation to the success of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Asia-Pacific conference on climate change response and actions of lawmakers to actualize sustainable development goals, adding that the event is meant to materialise the IPU’s Hanoi Declaration 2015. 

Regarding the Mekong River Commission’s role in coordinating and regulating the use of water resources in the Mekong River, the Vietnamese law maker said she hopes that Thailand will make remarkable contributions to this field. 

Phong also hailed Thailand as one of Vietnam’s leading partners in ASEAN, especially in fisheries, noting that the Thai legislature and government also provide support for Vietnamese nationals in the country. 

Porjit, in turn, expressed his satisfaction with fruit bilateral partnership in a multitude of areas since the establishment of diplomatic ties 40 years ago. 

He thanked the Vietnamese NA for joint work in fisheries, and addressing issues related to fishermen and overseas Vietnamese. 

He expressed his belief that the two law-making bodies will discuss more issues of mutual concern to propel bilateral ties forwards in the time to come.

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