Vietnam- Argentina cooperation deal to boost parliamentary ties

VOV.VN - The National Assembly (NA) of Vietnam and the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina are set to sign a co-operation agreement during NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue’s official visit to the South American nation with a view to propelling parliamentary relations and the countries’ comprehensive partnership forward, has said Vu Hai Ha, head of the NA’s Committee for External Relations.

NA Chairman Hue and his delegation arrived at Ministro Pistarini International Airport in Buenos Aires on the afternoon of April 23 (local time), starting an official visit to Argentina following an invitation from Cecilia Moreau, president of the Chamber of Deputies.

The trip is taking place amid the 50th founding anniversary of the countries’ diplomatic ties which were first established on October 25, 1973, with the aim of boosting the traditional friendship and solidarity between Vietnam and Argentina, as well as other Latin American nations. It also aims affirm that the Argentinean side is one of the nation’s leading partners in the region whilst promoting the possibility of launching negotiations on a free trade agreement between the country and the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR).

During previous discussions and meetings, leaders of both side expressed their strong desire to further bolster bilateral ties.
The Vietnamese side underscored that it places great importance on its long-standing friendship and comprehensive partnership with Argentina, expressing hope at the prospect of developing the partnership for the sake of the two peoples, as well as for the cause of peace, stability, and development in their respective regions and the world as a whole.

Furthermore, Argentina also greatly values the Vietnamese side’s growing role and stature in both regional and international arenas, voicing its willingness to lift the comprehensive partnership to a new level.

Over recent years, relations between the two legislatures have also been flourishing as demonstrated by mutual visits and meetings which have occurred at multilateral parliamentary forums.

On the basis of the traditional friendship, Chairman Hue’s visit is expected to elevate and further reinforce parliamentary co-operation.

Talking to the media ahead of the visit, head of the NA’s Committee for External Ha stated that both sides will discuss measures to promote the comprehensive partnership, especially in the fields that Argentina is strong in such as agriculture, the industry serving agricultural production, renewable energy, and the material industry.

They will sign a co-operation deal in a bid to strengthen linkages between the two legislative bodies as a contribution to the comprehensive partnership, he noted.

Ha went on to say that the NA Chairman will also deliver a policy speech at the Argentinan Foreign Ministry. The speech will provide information about the Vietnamese external policy and its policy towards Latin America in general, with a focus on Argentina in particular.

Argentinian Ambassador to Vietnam Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino told the press that his country has high expectations of the visit and regards it as a milestone in the enhancement of bilateral diplomatic ties.

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