Top Vietnamese legislator meets General Governor of Isfahan province

VOV.VN - National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue showed his elation at visiting the ancient capital of Isfahan, a leading economic and cultural hub in Iran, during a reception held on August 9 for Reza Mortazavi, general governor of Isfahan province.

Speaking glowingly of Isfahan’s role and position, the Vietnamese NA leader highlighted the ample potential that exists for locality-to-locality co-operation and expressed a wish for provincial authorities to intensify co-ordination with Vietnamese localities to realise major orientations to bilateral ties reached by leaders during the course of the visit.

He therefore welcomed the proposal for twinning between Isfahan and Ho Chi Minh City, as well as suggesting discussing and signing a co-operation agreement between the two localities, as well as between Isfahan and the capital city of Hanoi.

In response, Mortazavi expressed his wish to co-operate alongside Vietnamese localities such as Ho Chi Minh City in fields of both side’s strength, such as trade, investment, culture, and sharing experience in heritage preservation.

He therefore expects both sides to further tap into their potential and similarities in order to promote linakges across the board.

The host stated his belief that with the Vietnamese side’s open and extensive integration policies, as well as the determination of both countries' leaders, bilateral relations, particularly in economics and trade, health care, education, and locality-to-locality collaboration, will further develop.

As the third biggest province of Iran, Isfahan is situated on the historic Silk Road, covering over 107,000 with a population of 4.5 million people.

This activity also successfully ended the official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran by NA Chairman Hue and his high-ranking delegation.

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