Three more public security officers embark on UN mission in South Sudan

VOV.VN - The Ministry of Public Security on June 19 handed over the State President’s decisions to deploy three officers to the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

Authorized by the President, Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen. Luong Tam Quang presented the decisions to Lieut. Col. Hoang Trong Hoa, Capt. Nguyen The Anh, and Capt. Tran Thi Thu Trang.

Minister Quang said that recent decisions to this effect have shown the trust and attention of the Party and State to the force, as well as the overall growth and maturity of the entire force and each officer. This can be seen in both safeguarding national security whilst carrying out noble international tasks for the causes of peace and stability in the region and the world over.

The Minister asked the officers to unify their awareness on participating in UN peacekeeping activities, thereby affirming that this is an important task of the country in general and the Ministry in particular. Indeed, it can be viewed as a specific action that directly contributes to maintaining and creating sustainable peace and security in the region and throughout the world at large.

They were required to strictly follow regulations of the UN and the host country, as well as the Ministry of Public Security.

Since October, 2022, the Ministry has dispatched three groups with eight members to the UNMISS and the Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), as well as one officer to the Police Division at the UN headquarters. The first group finished their working tenure and returned to Vietnam in April.

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Training course for Vietnamese staff officers on UN missions
Training course for Vietnamese staff officers on UN missions

VOV.VN - The Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations under the Ministry of National Defence on May 13 opened a training course for United Nations staff officers with the support of the US Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI).

Training course for Vietnamese staff officers on UN missions

Training course for Vietnamese staff officers on UN missions

VOV.VN - The Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations under the Ministry of National Defence on May 13 opened a training course for United Nations staff officers with the support of the US Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI).

Three Vietnamese officers dispatched to UN peacekeeping missions
Three Vietnamese officers dispatched to UN peacekeeping missions

VOV.VN - The Ministry of National Defence held a ceremony on April 8 to present the President’s decision to send three military officers to the UN peacekeeping missions in the Central African Republic, South Sudan, and Abyei.

Three Vietnamese officers dispatched to UN peacekeeping missions

Three Vietnamese officers dispatched to UN peacekeeping missions

VOV.VN - The Ministry of National Defence held a ceremony on April 8 to present the President’s decision to send three military officers to the UN peacekeeping missions in the Central African Republic, South Sudan, and Abyei.