State and Government leaders host Lao Deputy PM and Foreign Minister

VOV.VN - President Vo Van Thuong and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted separate receptions in Hanoi on November 22 for Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Laos Saleumxay Kommasith, who is in Vietnam to co-chair the 10th Vietnam-Laos foreign ministerial-level consultation.

The Vietnamese State leader  hailed the success and meaning of the consultation, which, he said, contributed substantially to strengthening  the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the countries.

Saleumxay Kommasith used the occasion to express his gratitude to the Vietnamese Party, State, and people for consistent supporting and standing side by side with the Lao Party, State, and people.

Both host and guest showed their elation at bilateral cooperation achievements obtained recently, particularly both sides’ close coordination as well as increased high-level exchanges and mechanisms for joint works.

They stressed that the Vietnam-Laos great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation are unparalleled in the world and that both nations should continue to nurture and educate their younger generations to uphold the ties.

Thuong thanked Saleumxay Kommasith for coordinating with Lao functional agencies to offer favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community living and working in Laos.

Given the rapidly changing and complex global and regional situation, they agreed on a need for the two countries to step up information exchange and work hand in hand at regional and international forums.

At the meeting with Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith the same day, PM Chinh said Vietnam always treasures and gives the top priority to its special relationship with Laos and pledged further support for the neighbouring country in building an independent, self-reliant economy and a contingent of quality personnel.

He underlined the need to intensify economic connectivity and share development paths, for the sake of people.
In response, Kommasith conveyed regards from Party General Secretary and President Thongloun Sisoulith, Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone and other high-ranking leaders of Laos to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other high-ranking Vietnamese leaders.

He rejoiced over the effective developments of the Vietnam-Laos special relationship, and hailed Vietnam’s valuable support to Laos during its past struggle for national independence, as well as its present cause of national construction and defence.

Host and guest agreed that the bilateral political relations have been tightened, and other cooperation areas like defence, security, economy, culture, education and training as well as collaboration between localities have received due attention and made progress.

The Vietnamese cabinet leader suggested relevant ministries and agencies of the two countries to swiftly review cooperation fields, coordinate to remove obstacles to key joint projects, and work together to bring the relationship to a new page.

Chinh asked the two sides closely coordinate to carry out high-level delegation exchanges and important cooperation mechanisms between the two countries, including the 46th meeting of the Vietnam - Laos Intergovernmental Committee, and offer mutual support at multilateral forums.

Vietnam will continue to support as much as possible to help Laos successfully assume the 2024 ASEAN Chairmanship, Chinh told his guest.

Kommasith informed the Vietnamese Government chief about the results of the tenth Vietnam-Laos foreign ministerial-level consultation meeting he co-chaired earlier the same day in Hanoi, and added that the two countries will maintain their close coordination and cooperation in regional and international issues.

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Vietnam ready to support Laos in ASEAN Chairmanship 2024
Vietnam ready to support Laos in ASEAN Chairmanship 2024

VOV.VN - Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son has hailed Laos' proactive preparation for the 2024 ASEAN Chairmanship, affirming Vietnamese readiness to co-operate and support the neighbouring nation in successfully fulfilling this important task.

Vietnam ready to support Laos in ASEAN Chairmanship 2024

Vietnam ready to support Laos in ASEAN Chairmanship 2024

VOV.VN - Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son has hailed Laos' proactive preparation for the 2024 ASEAN Chairmanship, affirming Vietnamese readiness to co-operate and support the neighbouring nation in successfully fulfilling this important task.