President wishes for stronger Vietnam-Belarus defense and security cooperation

VOV.VN -President Tran Dai Quang suggested the two nations should augment cooperation in defense and security and anti-crime efforts at a March 28 reception in Hanoi for Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko.

President Quang told his guest that since the free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union, which officially came into effect in late 2016, opened up new prospects for economic and trade cooperation the two countries.

He recalled good impressions of his official visit to Belarus in June last year, saying the visit added fresh impetus to boosting all-around cooperation.

The Vietnamese State leader affirmed Vietnam’s willing to facilitate Belarus business operations in Vietnam for sustainable development. He called for more cooperation in national defense and combating crime.

He appreciated the Belarusian Deputy PM’s bilateral working sessions with Vietnamese ministries, sectors and localities, asking both sides to maintain delegation exchange at all levels, enhance links in value chain as well as cooperation in production and exports, there by pushing up two-way trade and people-to-people exchange.

Quang suggested the two sides work closely in resolving flexibly problems arising during cooperation, saying he hopes the two countries will continue supporting each other at regional and international forums.

"Vietnam welcomes and expects to receive more capital flows from Belarus, especially those in the fields of your strength such as manufacturing automobile and auto parts, mechanical engineering and industrial equipment,"Quang said.

In reply, Deputy Prime Minister Semashko hailed fruitful bilateral cooperation and agreed on measures to carry out cooperation agreements and the free trade deal between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union.

The Vietnamese and Belarusian economies can supplement each other as the better way of stimulating the development of both countries, he said.

He told Quang that he had working sessions with leaders of Hanoi, ministries, sectors and localities to examine ways to step up cooperation projects in transportation, food and pharmaceuticals.

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