President hails contributions by outgoing Chilean Ambassador

President Truong Tan Sang has hailed the outgoing Chilean Ambassador Fernando Urrutia for the contributions he has made to the relationship between the two countries during his tenure. 

At a farewell reception for the ambassador in Hanoi on December 10, the President highlighted the signing of bilateral free trade agreement – the first of its kind between Vietnam and a South American nation, during the time Fernando Urrutia served in Vietnam. 

He noted that the agreement helped boost two-way trade to US$540 million in the first 8 months of 2014, a year-on-year rise of 55%. 

President Truong Tan Sang affirmed that Vietnam always wants to bolster its traditional relations with international friends, including Chile. 

The Chilean Ambassador expressed his pleasure at the sound political, cultural and economic ties between the two countries. He vowed to continue to work to consolidate Vietnam-Chile relations in any new position.

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