PM receives Sri Lankan counterpart

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung met his Sri Lankan counterpart D.M. Jayaratne in Hanoi on May 9, voicing his hope that Sri Lanka will create favourable conditions for Vietnamese firms, especially oil and gas enterprises, seeking investment opportunities in the country. 

He said that cooperation potential between the two countries has yet to be tapped, and so they should increase their partnership in trade, investment and tourism as soon as possible. He added that negotiations should also be held to strike a deal on preferential trade and a plan for a bilateral financial agreement. 

The two sides should form a sub-committee on trade within the framework of their Inter-Governmental Committee, together with boosting affiliation in agriculture and fisheries, the PM declared. 

He added that at the same time, the two countries should work more closely in areas of culture, education and science and technology, while enhancing the exchange of delegations to boost mutual understanding and supporting each other at multilateral forums, especially the United Nations. 

Jayaratne, now Vietnam to attend the United Nations Vesak Day, said he is impressed by the socio-economic achievements of Vietnam, affirming that his country is keen on further expanding partnership with Vietnam in all realms for mutual benefit. 

The Sri Lankan leader said along with boosting economic, trade, investment and tourism ties, the two countries should focus on increasing affiliation in religious affairs, crime prevention and combat, national policy implementation, science and technology. 

Sri Lanka hopes to learn from Vietnam ’s experience and models in national development, he said. 

On the Eat Sea issue, Jayaratne asserted that the disputes must be settled through peaceful measures in respect of international law. The parties involved should not conduct unilateral moves which may intensify tension, he added. 

Regarding China’s placement of its oil rig in Vietnam’s waters, the Sri Lankan PM affirmed his country’s stance of supporting Vietnam’s legitimate request for China’s strict adherence to international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, and withdrawal of its illegally operating oil rig from Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, ensuring peace and stability in the region.
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