PM chairs steering committee meeting on key transport projects

VOV.VN - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, head of the State Steering Committee for National Key Transport Projects chaired the 12th meeting of the Committee held on June 14 in Hanoi.

In his speech the Vietnamese Government chief outlined that the continued development of highways, airports, and ports will further contribute to lowering logistics costs whilst serving to create competitiveness for goods both domestically and internationally.

The 13th Party Congress determined the goal of finalising 3,000 km of expressways by 2025 and 5,000 km of expressways by 2030. Right at the beginning of the term, the Government moved to establish a Steering Committee in a bid to accelerate the implementation of the 13th Party Congress's resolution in the field of transport infrastructure development.

The PM requested that delegates focus on reviewing the implementation of projects, along with combined efforts aimed at dealing with the removal of difficulties and obstacles faced during the implementation of projects, especially relating to site clearance and material supply.

PM Chinh also underscored the need to prevent negative phenomena occurring whilst carrying out the projects, particularly in terms of procurement and bidding activities, while simultaneously urging ministries, sectors, and localities to continue efforts to ensure progress and quality of projects. Indeed, this should be done whilst mobilising engagement of businesses in this work.

According to information provided by the committee, there are currently 40 projects nationwide categorised as important national transport projects, spanning road, railway, and aviation fields across 48 provinces and centrally-run cities nationwide.

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PM urges speeding up key transport projects
PM urges speeding up key transport projects

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh ordered competent sides to accelerate construction of key transport projects in 2024 to create new development space while chairing the 9th session of the Steering Committee for Key National Transport Projects on February 16.

PM urges speeding up key transport projects

PM urges speeding up key transport projects

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh ordered competent sides to accelerate construction of key transport projects in 2024 to create new development space while chairing the 9th session of the Steering Committee for Key National Transport Projects on February 16.