New ambassador to Singapore presents credentials

New Vietnamese Ambassador to Singapore Nguyen Tien Minh on January 29 presented his credentials to Singaporean President Tony Tan Keng Yam who was glad with the two countries’ growing ties, especially the establishment of strategic partnership. 

The host said many Singaporean businesses and investors are interested in expanding their investment in Vietnam. 

He recalled his visit to Vietnam in 2012 and congratulated Vietnamese people on their development achievements. 

Minh said he was impressed with successes that turned Singapore into one of the leading developed countries, and an important economic-finance, science-technology, education and health-care centre in the region and the world. 

He expressed hope that the two sides will continue working closely bilaterally and multilaterally. 

The diplomat pledged that he will do his utmost and coordinate with authorised agencies of both sides to bring the bilateral strategic partnership to the next level of development across politics, economy, investment, defence, culture, and people-to-people contacts to contribute to regional and global peace, stability and development.

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