NA deputies discuss socio-economic situation

National Assembly (NA) deputies discussed the country’s socio-economic situation in 2014 and major tasks for 2015 during the October 30 sitting of the 13th NA’s ongoing eighth session.

They focused on the implementation of this year’s overall targets and key socio-economic indications, while pointing out a number of shortcomings, including unsustainable macro economy, high public debt, slow economic restructuring, and low productivity. 

Along with giving predictions on the impact of domestic and world conditions in 2015, they also sought main socio-economic solutions for the country next year. 

The lawmakers touched upon macro-economic policies, economic restructuring and growth model renovation, ODA use efficiency, the control of public and bad debts, budget overspending, monetary, credit and banking policies, and export market expansion. 

They also gave ideas on investment in agriculture and rural areas, support industry, forest protection and development; maritime economic strategy and support policies for fishermen; and social welfares, health care, education and training services for the people, especially those living in disadvantaged areas. 

During the sitting, which was broadcast live on Vietnam Television (VTV) and Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV), deputies also heard explanations by some Cabinet members on a number of issues. 

On October 31 meeting, they are scheduled to continue discussion on the socio-economic situation this year and goals for next year. They will put on table the implementation of State budget in 2014, as well as estimates and allocation for 2015.
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