Mexico-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Group helps boost bilateral ties

VOV.VN - On September 2, the Mexico-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Group made its debut in Mexico the occasion of the 71 st anniversary of Vietnam's National Day (September 2) with the purpose of strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two nations.

In his speech, President of the group Claudia Corichi Garcia expresed his hope that the members of parliament will work hand in hand to promote dialogues relations and all-around cooperation between the two countries.

"They will take advantage of opportunities presented by the Trans- Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum to set up a strategic partnership between Vietnam and Mexico.

The two countries share a multitude of similarities in history, culture, economics, developments, as well as challenges in national construction process.Mexico can learn from Vietnam's experience in boosting socio-economic development, reducing poverty reduction and maintaining high economic growth," Garcia said.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Mexico Le Linh Lan in turn said the formation of the Mexico-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Group signifiys both nations' wish to foster bilateral friendship and cooperation in the time to come.

The Vietnamese diplomat also highlighted Mexico’s support for Vietnam in the past and at present, and reiterated the sound rapports between the two countries’ parliaments, governments and people.

The forthcoming visit to Vietnam by Mexican Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos de Icaza along with senior officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, and ProMexico – Investment Promotion Agency will add fresh impetus to bilateral relations between Vietnam and Mexico.

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