Indonesia, Vietnam strengthen parliamentary ties

VOV.VN - Tran Thanh Man, standing vice chairman of the National Assembly (NA), hosted a reception on July 5 in Hanoi for a delegation from Indonesia’s Regional Representative Council (DPD) led by Sylviana Murin, chairperson of its Committee for Parliamentary Cooperation.

The visit marks the resumption of delegation exchange activities between the two legislative bodies after a long hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

He expressed his confidence that the two countries’ parliamentary co-operation ties will contribute to ramp up the Vietnam-Indonesia Strategic Partnership and affirmed that the country continues to place importance on and desires to further develop its traditional friendship and strategic partnership with the Indonesian side.

With both nations set to celebrate the 10th anniversary since the establishment of their strategic partnership next year, Man proposed both sides co-operate more closely in order to take the partnership to new heights. Indeed, there should be a specific focus on promoting the parliamentary co-operation channel to commensurate the bilateral strategic partnership.

Appreciating the close co-ordination between the two countries at multilateral organisations and forums over recent times, Man affirmed that the Vietnamese NA will continue working alongside the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly at international and regional inter-parliamentary forums.

In response, Murin spoke highly of the close links between the two legislative bodies.

The Indonesian parliament will therefore seek to maintain close co-ordination with the Vietnamese side at regional and international inter-parliamentary forums, she said, while hoping that both sides will ramp up parliamentary co-operation activities moving forward.

During the course of the meeting, both sides discussed international and regional issues of mutual concern. With regard to the East Sea issue, they emphasized that as the two ASEAN member states share interests in the East Sea, both sides, as well as other ASEAN countries, should co-ordinate in the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC). This should be done alongside implementing negotiations to swiftly achieve a substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The same day also saw Bui Van Cuong, general secretary of the NA, chairman of the NA Office, and president of the Vietnam - ASEAN Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group, host a reception for the Indonesian delegation.


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