FM spokesperson: Vietnam pushes ahead with legal reform

VOV.VN - Vietnam Foreign Ministry spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang responded to reporters’ question regarding the International Amnesty’s ranking Vietnam 4th in terms of death penalty in the world at the ministry’s regular press briefing in Hanoi on April 11.

She said that death penalty is an issue of national sovereignty and criminal justice as many countries still implement this practice. The spokeswoman cited key international conventions on human rights to which Vietnam is a member.

The official said, “Death penalty in Vietnam is only applied to extremely serious crimes in line with the convention on civil and political rights. Related trial proceedings strictly respect Vietnamese criminal law to ensure the defendants’ rights, especially the principle of presumption of innocence, transparency and fairness. Vietnam has many times reduced the number of crimes subject to death penalty. The 2015 Criminal Code which came into force last year has removed death penalty in 8 crimes as well as cases where convicts are under 18 or above 75 or fostering child under 36 months.” 

At the event, she responded to reporters’ queries about information from the Vietnamese Embassy in Thailand, as saying that no Vietnamese citizens have been found to have been affected by the April 10 blaze at Central World – Thailand’s biggest shopping complex in Bangkok.

Hang said following direction from the ministry, the embassy will maintain contact with relevant Thai agencies to update information and take citizen protection measures if needed.

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