Ensuring fundamental human rights

(VOV) - Since it was adopted by the UN 67 years ago, the International Declaration on Human Rights has been translated into 375 languages. The document sets common goals in ensuring human rights for all nations. Over the years, Vietnam has made significance progress in improving human rights.

The Vietnamese Party and State have affirmed the nature of its regime - a regime for the people and for their freedom. Over the past 70 years, issues relating to human rights have been stipulated in law. Policies on human rights have been implemented in all aspects of life.

Everyone has the right to happiness

After Vietnam regained its independence in 1945, President Ho Chi Minh said: “I have only one ambition. I wish our country independence, our people happiness, food, clothing and education”. Food, clothing and education are the minimum conditions for happiness for people of a nation which has just gained independence and freedom.

Doctor Ta Ngoc Tan, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Politics Academy said “Our predecessors made a heroic effort, sacrificed their lives, and contributed their wisdom to gain the right to live in peace. President Ho Chi Minh said it would be meaningless to have a free and independent country with unhappy people. President Ho Chi Minh called for united efforts to overcome challenges and difficulties to bring happiness to the lives of Vietnamese people”.

Legislation on human rights fine-tuned

In the last 70 years, Vietnam’s human rights achievements have been human rights are reflected in various ways. Human rights issues have been stipulated in law. The 2013 Constitution has 36 articles concerning human rights and citizens rights, covering various aspects of life and ensuring the welfare of the people.

Doctor Vo Khanh Vinh of the Vietnam Social Science Academy said:“Our Constitution has made several breakthroughs compared with other countries. Ensuring human rights has been the focus of fine-tuning our laws and Constitution. Vietnam has signed 7 out of 9 international conventions on human rights”.

Since 2009, the National Assembly has adopted or revised 25 laws creating a sufficient legal basis for ensuring the free exercise of human rights. The Vietnamese government has implemented 41 strategies and programs for vulnerable people.

Deputy Minister and Deputy Head of the Committee for Religious Affairs Pham Van Hung said "There are more than 200 legal documents on improving the lives of ethnic minorities. The rights of ethnic minorities are clearly stipulated in Article 5 of the Constitution. Our poverty reduction programs have achieved significant results which are internationally recognized. Our poverty rate falls to 4 to 5% each year. We now have universal primary and secondary education and are moving toward universal upper secondary education.”

Vietnam is a leader in achieving MDGs on human rights

Vietnam is the leading country in fulfilling Millennium Development Goals on human rights.
Doctor Dang Dung Chi of the Human Rights Research Institute of the Ho Chi Minh National Politics Academy said “Vietnam needs to raise people’s awareness of human rights. State employees need to understand human rights, their function and tasks. Legislative bodies need to protect human rights as stipulated in the 2013 Constitution”.

Vietnam is accelerating the implementation of the Judicial Reform Strategy until 2020 which aims to create an optimal legal basis for ensuring human rights. 

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