Top Party leader chairs corruption prevention meeting in Hanoi

VOV.VN - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on August 16 presided over the 24th meeting of the Central Steering Committee for Corruption and Negative Phenomena Prevention and Control.

The meeting is to review activities of the committee in the first half of 2023 as well as corruption prevention and control in Vietnam following the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam.  

Delegates are also scheduled to outline key tasks of the committee in the remaining months of 2023 and beyond.

The ongoing anti-corruption drive launched and led by the Communist Party of Vietnam has recorded encouraging results over the past years, especially since the 13th National Party Congress in early 2021.

The fight has been accelerated in all aspects of life under the mottos such as “no forbidden zone.” “no exception”, or “whoever the person is”.

Many notorious cases have been brought to light, including the test kit scandal at Viet A Technologies JSC, the bribery scandal regarding repatriation flights for Vietnamese people at the Consular Department, and the share manipulation scandal at FLC Group. Two other cases under close scrutiny are the property fraud case at Tan Hoang Minh Group and the case regarding medical supply procurement violations at AIC – Vietnam Valuation and Investment JSC.

Party leader Trong has reiterated the Party’s strong resolve to root out corruption, stating that it will be an enduring policy. He has also refuted rumours that the anti-corruption drive, which includes the handling of ranking officials who commit violations, is an internal purge or an internal struggle among various factions of the Party.

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