National Assembly to relieve Public Security Minister of post

VOV.VN - The National Assembly will relieve General To Lam, Minister of Public Security, of his post at the ongoing seventh session of the legislature, paving the way for the general to be elected as President of Vietnam.

National Assembly General Secretary Bui Van Cuong on behalf of the National Assembly Standing Committee presented a report to adjust the work programme of the seventh session.

The report comes following the Prime Minister’s proposal to perfect the State apparatus. The report then received support from 468 out of 469 deputies attending the session on May 21.

Earlier, the recent ninth plenum of the Party Central Committee agreed to introduce General To Lam to the presidential post.

The NA deputies are scheduled to begin the process of electing the State President for the 2021 - 2025 term on May 21 afternoon.

They will discuss and vote for the nominee on May 22 morning. The election will be done by a secret ballot.

The newly-elected president will take the oath of office and deliver a speech at the swearing-in ceremony shortly afterwards. He will succeed Vo Van Thuong who stepped down in March.

On May 20, the National Assembly elected Tran Thanh Man, Politburo member and National Assembly Vice Chairman, as head of the legislature.

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NA deputies begin to elect State president today
NA deputies begin to elect State president today

VOV.VN - Deputies to the current seventh session of the National Assembly is scheduled to begin the process of electing the State President for the 2021 - 2025 term on May 21 afternoon.

NA deputies begin to elect State president today

NA deputies begin to elect State president today

VOV.VN - Deputies to the current seventh session of the National Assembly is scheduled to begin the process of electing the State President for the 2021 - 2025 term on May 21 afternoon.

General To Lam nominated as President, Vice NA Chairman Man as top legislator
General To Lam nominated as President, Vice NA Chairman Man as top legislator

VOV.VN - The Party Central Committee has highly agreed to nominate General To Lam, Politburo member and Minister of Public Security to hold the position of Vietnamese President and Tran Thanh Man, Politburo member and Permanent National Assembly (NA) Vice Chairman for the top legislator position.

General To Lam nominated as President, Vice NA Chairman Man as top legislator

General To Lam nominated as President, Vice NA Chairman Man as top legislator

VOV.VN - The Party Central Committee has highly agreed to nominate General To Lam, Politburo member and Minister of Public Security to hold the position of Vietnamese President and Tran Thanh Man, Politburo member and Permanent National Assembly (NA) Vice Chairman for the top legislator position.

Vo Van Thuong steps down as Vietnamese President
Vo Van Thuong steps down as Vietnamese President

VOV.VN -The 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on March 20 considered and offered opinions on the dismissal from positions and retirement of Vo Van Thuong, Politburo member, member of the 13th CPV Central Committee, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and Chairman of the National Defence and Security Council for the 2021-2026 tenure.

Vo Van Thuong steps down as Vietnamese President

Vo Van Thuong steps down as Vietnamese President

VOV.VN -The 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on March 20 considered and offered opinions on the dismissal from positions and retirement of Vo Van Thuong, Politburo member, member of the 13th CPV Central Committee, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and Chairman of the National Defence and Security Council for the 2021-2026 tenure.