Gov’t examines gains in H1, identifies solutions for H2

VOV.VN - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a conference in Hanoi on July 4 to examine national socio-economic gains in the past six months and look for solutions in the second half of the year.

The meeting was connected to all 63 cities and provinces across the country.

In his opening remarks, PM Chinh outlined major global complications that affected Vietnam’s post-pandemic economic recovery. Among them were the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, rising input material and oil prices, inflationary pressure, food and energy security at risk, as well as the mutation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

However, under the leadership of the Party, alongside the strong support of the National Assembly, and sound performance of the Government, he said Vietnam has achieved many important results in many areas.

According to the PM, the country has well controlled the COVID-19 pandemic, and ensured macroeconomic stability. People’s living standards have improved significantly, while independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity are maintained.

The PM also pointed out problems that need to be addressed in the coming months, including the shortage of medicine, medical equipment and supplies, and the slow progress in public investment disbursement.

He therefore asked leaders of ministries and localities to make an in-depth analysis of advantages and disadvantages, causes, and lessons learned and put forward solutions for the last six months of the year.

In a report presented at the meeting, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung said the national economy expanded by 7.72% in the second quarter of the year, raising its six-month rate to 6.42%  

The six-month figure is relatively higher than expected and is equivalent to the average level of the years before the pandemic, said Dung.

He also cited local reports, saying many cities and provinces have also obtained high gross regional domestic product (GRDP) growth, with Hanoi registering 7.79%, Bac Giang 24.0%, Bac Ninh 14.7%, and Thanh Hoa 13.41%.

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