Vietnam prioritises enhancing partnership with China, says President To Lam

VOV.VN - Vietnam considers developing friendly and cooperative relations with China to be a strategic choice and top priority in its foreign policy, said newly elected President To Lam during his reception in Hanoi on June 11 for Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo.

Lam said the long-standing friendship between Vietnam and China, founded and cultivated by President Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam and President Mao Zedong of China and generations of leaders of the two countries, is a valuable common asset of the two peoples, which needs to be preserved, inherited and promoted well.

Through the ambassador, he thanked Chinese President Xi Jinping for his congratulations and said he stays ready to join Xi in maintaining regular exchanges and contacts between senior leaders of the two Parties and two countries.

Xiong for his part congratulated General To Lam on his recent election as President of Vietnam and affirmed that the Party, Government and people of China attach great importance to friendly, neighbourly relations and comprehensive cooperation with the Party, State and people of Vietnam, considering this as a priority direction in China’s neighbourhood diplomacy.

He voiced China’s strong support for Vietnam’s efforts to maintain its stability, promote rapid development, smoothly implement the development goals set by the 13th National Party Congress, and prepare for the coming Party Congress.

Both sides spoke highly of the positive developments in Vietnam – China relations in recent times, especially after the historic reciprocal visits of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to China in October 2022 and General Secretary and President Xi Jinping to Vietnam in December 2023, in which the two leaders agreed to elevate the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and build a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance.

Lam proposed that the two countries maintain high-level visit exchanges and contacts, effectively deploy cooperation mechanisms, and improve the effectiveness of practical cooperation in all fields, including promoting cross-border railway connections and developing standard gauge railways in the northern provinces of Vietnam.

He also proposed that China continue to open its market for Vietnamese agricultural and aquatic products, as well as increasing local cooperation and strengthening friendly exchanges between organizations, people, and young generations of the two countries.

With regard to the East Sea issue, Lam emphasized that the two sides need to seriously implement high-level agreements and common perceptions; better control and resolve disagreements at sea; respect each other’s legitimate rights and interests; and actively seek satisfactory solutions to disagreements in accordance with international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

To mark 75 years of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and China in 2025, Lam proposed that the two sides strive to develop bilateral relations more substantially and effectively.

In response, Xiong affirmed that the Chinese side will make efforts to well implement high-level common perceptions and implement specific cooperation measures proposed by the two sides.

China is willing to promote and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in all fields; better control and resolve disagreements at sea; and develop the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in a healthy and stable manner, bringing practical benefits to the two peoples, said the diplomat.

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