Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia agree to facilitate cross-border trade

VOV.VN - Prime Minister of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc held online talks on March 10 with his Lao and Cambodian counterparts Thongloun Sisoulith and Samdech Techno Hun Sen, agreeing to facilitate cross-border trade between the three countries.

The three PMs stressed the need to bring into full play existing cooperation mechanisms, including promoting cooperation and exchange between 13 border localities, effectively implementing border management agreements, and strengthening coordination to ensure security along the common borders and prevent transnational crime.

The PMs consented to step up the implementation of the Action Plan for the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Economic Connectivity to 2030, with a focus on taking advantage of resources from development partners to develop the Hanoi - Vientiane expressway, the Vientiane - Vung Ang railway line, and the Ho Chi Minh City - Phnom Penh railway line, while accelerating the construction of border markets as well as goods distribution and transshipment centers between the three countries.

The PMs also agreed to further facilitate customs clearance for people and goods, as well as investment cooperation activities through border gates.

They were adamant that the three countries will continue to ramp up cooperation and mutual assistance in COVID-19 prevention and control, work closely towards vaccine accessibility of developing countries, and effectively implement relevant initiatives adopted within the ASEAN 2020 framework, including the ASEAN Regional Reserve of Medical Supplies for Public Health Emergencies, and the ASEAN Travel Corridor.

The leaders highly appreciated the effective cooperation between the three countries at sub-regional, regional and international forums in recent times, and affirmed the three countries’ commitment to join other member countries to accelerate the process of the ASEAN Community building, and to promote cooperation with strategic partners in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS).

The Lao and Cambodian PMs congratulated Vietnam on successfully presiding over the ASEAN Year 2020 and assuming the role of a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2020-2021 term.

The Vietnamese PM affirmed Vietnam’s support for Cambodia to successfully organize the 7th GMS Summit scheduled for March 2021, and complete its role as the Chairman of the 13th Asia-Europe Summit (ASEM) scheduled for the end of 2021. He also voiced Vietnam’s support for Laos to successfully chair the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) in 2021-2022.

With regard to regional issues of mutual concern, the three PMs shared the view that Myanmar would soon stabilize the situation, and resolve disagreements through peaceful dialogue, in the interests of Myanmar, for a peaceful and stable environment in the region. They also agreed to continue to support ASEAN’s centrality and efforts in addressing regional issues.

The three PMs emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, known as the East Sea in Vietnam, while agreeing to coordinate in building a practical, effective Code of Conduct (COC) in accordance with international law.

They also agreed to continue to strengthen cooperation in the management and sustainable use of the Mekong River’s water resources, settle issues related to mainstream hydropower development satisfactorily, and strengthen research and development cooperation for clean, renewable energy.

The three PMs said they will assign relevant ministries, agencies and localities of the three countries to implement important agreements reached during their talks, helping to strengthen the friendship and enhance the efficiency of cooperation between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

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